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He should be crowned a hero!

Should he? He took it upon himself to do something that could irrevocably change the entire human species genetically and ethically, with no regard to whether that change will be for the better or for the worse.

@ghettophilosopher it’s about time someone started playing god.

@darthfaja Religious people have been playing god for millennium.

@darthfaja @jylnn37 So what you're saying is that as atheists/agnostics, not only are you still searching for a god, but you'll take the first moron that shows up, and screw whatever consequences arise from said moron's actions... Stop me if I missed something.

@ghettophilosopher the man is hardly a moron he’s pretty brilliant actually. I don’t have any issues with the ethics of this. This isn’t the first time this type of thing has occurred. There was a concern at one time that flying into outer space would rip a hole in the atmosphere.

@darthfaja He may have I high IQ and a strong education, but he's still a moron. The potential genetic, ethical, and societal consequences are profound. That's not smart by any measure.
And your comparison is quite specious. The we know enough to understand those potential pitfalls. Poking holes in the atmosphere was a guess based in our woeful ignorance of the forces at work.

@ghettophilosopher as I said I’m ok with the risk. First the twins have to survive. They may not. The hypothesis is that they will be highly suceptible to colds and flu. If they don’t survive then you have nothing to worry about. If they do, well I don’t know. I guess we will have to see what happens. There’s much scarier stuff happening everyday in genetics.
Look up how the drug repatha is made or the recent sheep-human hybrid. 2 years ago experimentation with a pig human hybrid. Don’t forget how crazy the world responded to a cloned sheep. Christ all the “sky is falling” fanatics had a field day with that.
Doesn’t matter
It’s done

@darthfaja If the twins die before having children, that does indeed forestall the hereditary consequences, but the cat might already be out of the bag as far as societal implications go.
But I've always been inclined to believe that intelligence itself might be the solution to the Fermi paradox anyway, so let's find out.

@ghettophilosopher I would agree that there should have been a better way to do this
However it would never had happened

Stem cell research could save so many lives but fear and “ethics” prevents it

Someone has to do it

@darthfaja This is worlds apart from stem cell though. Germ cell modification, unlike any other type of gene or stem cell therapy, modifies heritable genes. Any potential screw ups can permanently work their way into the gene pool.
As far as the ethics, designer babies can exponentially and irrevocably exacerbate class warfare. I personally despise capitalism enough as it is. I have neither need not desire to experience neofeudalism.

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