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How should the pro choice movement insure its claim to fairness.

Ok, so many people disagree with what I have to say on this issue. I'm pro choice with a twist, since the womens rights movement moved up a gear I've noticed some flaws in there disputes across the board. This issues main flaw talks about pro choice is claiming fairness, a woman has the right to choose cause it's her body. Very well then agreed, it is her body. But to be (FAIR) the man should have the right to choose as well, that's (FAIR). It's her body she can choose to have the child or not, but it's his money he can choose to support the child or not, That's (FAIR). You can't use fair if your going to make accusations like this. Its no different than saying if Christmas can come and preach in public school than so can the Satanics. So what do you think is fair.

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ZoeZzonbie 5 Oct 31

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I don’t think fairness has anything to do with it. It’s about autonomy. I think that until the baby can survive without the mother, then the mother has all the rights. Financial support is a social construct to ensure that the government does not have to pay to raise the child.


Tampon terrorists have no right to force any woman to stay pregnant nor interfere with Healthcare workers NOR PRETEND FAKE CLINICS are crisis pregnancy centers. ...keep your rosaries off my daughter's ovaries and jail all rapist priests including both living felony popes


There are mitigating circumstances in very situation involving humans. That said, men need to take more responsiblity. period! The best solution is better education, a better understnading of ones self will lead to greater self respect.


You lost your opportunity to not support the child when you chose not to wear a condom. The financial obligation is between the father and child, not father and mother.

Nina Level 4 Dec 20, 2017

If it’s not your body, it’s not your choice.
But if he says no, and she says yes, he should not be forced to live with her decision. He wasn’t the only one fucking without protection.

thx for your answer


Both parties got the woman pregnant. Choices about her body should be down to the woman, if she decides to have the baby he needs to step up.

thx for your answer


I voted her choice, he pays.
Let me kick my comment off by stating I pay child support.
Whether the couple stays together or not, he is at least partially financially responsible.
The woman takes all the risks and therefore makes all the decisions.


Unfortunately, it is the woman who must bear and go through the process of delivering a child. Therefore it should be her say. If they both want the child both should support it. If she doesn't (or most of the time there are other reasons) it should be her choice. Every child should be loved, wanted and have a reasonable chance of success in life. By the way for all the Macho men, studies have shown that world-wide twice as many women get surgically sterilized as men (a much easier procedure). When I found this out I was ashamed and got a vasectomy. Some native American tribes understood the limits of their hunter-gatherer culture and, after 2 children performed vasectomies on themselves with rose thorns! Now THAT is true machoism.


He is the one who made her pregnant so it's his fault equally the child is alive.


obviously the way the pro-life choice is worded, this poll is VERY bias. women are unique in many ways, and one of those ways is that they can host life within themselves. how do we regard life in all its forms? until we can deal with that question, all we will do is argue, and not really get anywhere as far as resolving this debate.


I think contraception is the responsibility of both parties. When I was young, fifty-some years ago, I always made sure I used protection and when we got serious I took her to the Doc and got the pill. I never assumed that she was taking it without asking. I think having a baby without it being a decision by both parties is ludicrous. If the girl lies or tricks the guy telling him she is using protection then I’d give him a free ride but otherwise it’s both their responsibilities and he should have some say if he’s going to have to pay for twenty years. If they’re old enough to make babies they should be old enough to talk out differences.

gearl Level 8 Oct 31, 2017

I'm pro abortion and I make no apologies for that. People try to correct me and say that I mean pro choice, but no, I'm pro abortion. While I wish no one needed an appendectomy, I am pro appendectomy if someone needs it. I don't care what the reason, a woman has the right not to be an incubator if she has other plans. The sign I'll always remember at a rally I attended stated: MY MOM HAD AN ILLEGAL ABORTION. I MISS MY MOM, NOT THE FETUS." Men and women are equal as far as human rights and opportunities in our society, or at least they should be. A woman can be a brick mason if she chooses and can do the job, but there are fewer female brick layers because of biology. Nature made men stronger in general. It is the same with reproduction. The male and female body is not the same and a man cannot force a woman to incubate for him. Even if he thought he was taking responsibility, and the birth control failed, it was an accident, but accidents make you responsible for mistake. It's an accident, not an "on purpose", but you still are responsible. So the inequity in reproductive choices is biological and just the way it is. Pay up dead beats.


When it comes to being fair it's both should be both parents should have the option to choose. This avoids both sexes to avoid the feeling of being shackled Down to a life opportunity they don't want.

Ok so why does she get this extra choice that he doesn't get? Is it courtesy, is it chivalry, is it sympathy, is it pity? He didn't get her pregnant any more than she got herself pregnant by him. So why does she get this extra choice that he doesn't get and then they go and call it fair. All I'm saying is for people to be honest about it, and it's not fair, it's not, it's not fair, and saying it is is no different than Christians saying there is a God without proof. How about we just be honest and admit that life isn't fair, and it's never been fair for any human being that's ever walked this Earth regardless of nationality, religion, spirituality, gender, race, sexuality, Etc. But when it really comes down to is that nobody cares about him and nobody cares about her either they're both guilty, people only cares about the innocent ones and what's fair to them. That's why this poll is irrelevant when it comes to the question of what is fair. And this poll is not bias I'm pro-choice but I'm not going to kick my self or any other man in the balls either. But sometimes pulls like these are good for the mind and that's why I posted it.

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