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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is beating Trump at his own game. No wonder Washington is scared.

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As soon as she runs I vote for her, no problem.


I would vote for her, President for sure.


She is pretty impressive....


Was she born here or is she an immigrant?


Not really. She has lowered herself to hs level, right down to justifying her mistakes with facts, by saying the errors don’t matter because her cause is right. Her cause may be right, but she is confirming that politicians lie and play loose with the facts to those who choose to believe such.

Right now, to beat Trump, Democrats need to factually accurate and scrupulously honest. Otherwise, for those on the fence, why change?


I hope you don't mean she's more gifted at empty bluster and lies than he is... because really, that's the only game he's got.


Although I don't agree with most of her political ideas, I think you're right about beating Trump, and the Republicans in general, at his own game. Republicans write her off and I see posts about how stupid she is from them, which I don't agree with. I think she is smart -- very smart. She may be ignorant on some issues, but she'll learn quickly. She is also young, vibrant, and can be inspiring to her base. I have only heard her speak once and her responses were right to the point and the interviewer, who was more on the political right than her, couldn't win the argument. She knows what the issue is and what moves voters -- morality -- and the Republicans have no answer, since they share the same morality.


A leader in the making. Think our elected officials will be younger as a whole.

A leader foes is honest with facts. A leader can be trusted. She isn’t being honest. She excuses her errors because, as she says, her cause is right. That is what Trump does. We need honest leaders, not those who play loose with facts. We need leaders we can trust.

@Rob1948 all politicians are loose with facts as a part of their everyday lives lol... She's new at this.. Give her a little break...

@Cutiebeauty she’s starting off on the wrong foot. She’ll earn her breaks if she is honest and acts like a leader.

@Rob1948 OK . I can see you're against her from the start... That's OK though... She has plenty of supporters already from millennials like me...

@Cutiebeauty what a colossal assumption you made. I based my comments on her words. We would all be wise to do the same. As to her future, it is hers to make. Should the day come that her name is presented to me to vote for or against, I will make my decision on her words, behavior, actions and how well they match my expectations. My decision will not be made on her race. Nor will it be made on her gender. Nor will it be made on some preconceived notion.

My initial impression of her, as I said, has been made on her words an behavior since she was elected. In part they come from what she said in her 60 minutes interview, as reported here and elsewhere: [], her bluster (where she sinks as low as Trump, and her apparent unwillingness to compromise with other ideas.

See, I’ve done my due diligence. Have you? (I ask that since you made a wild, and wrong, assumption about. My position Vis á vis AOC.)

@Rob1948 you're a funny man...😉

@Cutiebeauty thanks. (I think.)


Love her !


I can see her running for president in 2028

I hope not because that will be too soon. She needs another 20 years of experience to be ready for that job and have a good shot of getting it. So 2040 is when I would vote for her.

@ATDayHiker I disagree, I think 10 yrs experience paired with her life experience in NY is enough. How much experience does 45 have?

@steve148 Would you hire a 40-year-old with only 10 years of applicable experience to be the CEO of a major corporation? I wouldn't do that, and being president of the country is a lot more impactful than being a CEO. I would like to see the minimum age requirement be 50 rather than 35 so that we can have more seasoned candidates. They should also have at least 8 years of elective office at the state or federal level so that we don't get more candidates like Trump who do not have any political or diplomatic experience.

@OwlInASack a leader is honest and can be trusted. Those are things that we don’t have with Trump. AOC has already shown that she plays loosely with facts. That is a problem.

@ATDayHiker Plenty of people start their own companies and they grow into huge corporations with no experience at all. We have children and we have no experience and they turn out to be decent human beings.

@ATDayHiker, @Rob1948 You tell me any leader who has all the facts correctly.

@ATDayHiker I think it depends on the accomplishments of those ten years. Experience is not always an indication of competence

@OwlInASack I disagree. Your premise is based on that 35+ aged people can't be smart or competent to be president. I believe Kennedy was 43. He was certainly a good choice.

@steve148 I agree that a person should demonstrate competence in whatever years of experience they have, but the more years of life experience they have, the more information we will have to evaluate them. For a CEO or President I want someone who can say "Been there, done that" more often than not. When someone gets put in a position with limited applicable experience mistakes will be made, and the consequences at the highest levels can be very serious. I am all for giving young people opportunities to grow and succeed in their careers, but I want them to be ready for each step up so they will have a better chance to succeed.

@OwlInASack I judge them equally. Race and gender do not matter. Honesty, truthfulness do.

Read the article ( from which this quote comes: “But she’s also shown a tendency to exaggerate or misstate basic facts. And her defense of this in a Sunday interview with “60 Minutes” was very bad.”

She has also made some indications that she would not be open to compromise. Not compromising is what keeps us in the mess we have. Exchanging one emperor (one extreme) for it opposite, such that we have government for the few is not good. Most people in this country are moderates. Most people want the extremes to compromise, not dictate. If AOC’s intent is to dictate, and bluster and not be honest, is that really better?

She has massive potential. But, she needs to back of the bluster and playing loose with the facts.

@Jolanta fair point. But no leader should say deliberately something like facts don’t have to be accurate if my cause is correct. That logic, coupled with bluster (for which she is being praised) is what convinced people to vote for Trump. That’s a bad optic.

Honesty is never wrong.

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