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QUESTION Gun Control or No Control? – Wordology

Here's an informative article that my partner wrote on gun control. He wrote it from the center, he thinks the Huffington Post shows too much bias.

UrsiMajor 8 Feb 19

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Bias is inescapable from such an emotional historic patriotic life or death question. .....veterans AND PEOPLE CLOSE TO US often tip toe around egg shells if sights sounds smells and gunshot feelings become appropo. ....a good movie that deals with murder aftermath is DEAD MAN WALKING Sean Penn title role Susan Sarandon Sister Helen Prejean stumbling into to grieving families while "spiritual advisor" to the death row shooter

You definitely own that s*** and don't hide behind "no labels". when it comes to your political viewpoints. I will have to think of a way to bring that up as a topic for this forum: "appearing neutral to be credible vs. appearing biased and less credible"

@UrsiMajor thank you ....It's OK to be biased. ...I am just declaring that the attempt to be "neutral" or "bi-partisan" is a bias also marginalizing many points on the spectrum of "philosophy" or "party" ....I happen to be a GREEN-DEMOCRAT a minority voice in both parties according to gun control proposals. ....the common dichotomy is Red v Blue censoring Green and Libertarian parties and calling "swing states" : Purple. ....

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