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I think im finally getting the plague. Holy god whyyyyyyy

Holyhellkel 6 Feb 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Well, was it the plague? 🙂

Nope. I think I drank too much hhahaha

@Holyhellkel Well, that's better than the plague. Right after my post saying I've managed to escape the plague so far this season, the roof of my mouth started itching -- way back there by the tonsils. I was on pins and needles for almost two days worried I was getting it!


I actually tested posktive for intestinal leprosy once . I guess its a good strain of virus that attacks other viruses , like HEP C, until you age , then it turns on you .

Dougy Level 7 Feb 20, 2018

It’s plague season.


I had that stupid cold for a week where when you lay on one side it runs to that nostril and vice versa. Hope you fight off Capt Trips.


LOL!!! That made me laugh. I have been extremely fortunate so far. Not even a tickle in my throat. Yay for hand washing and the flu shot!!

Hang in there Kel!


Have you got rings on your skin?


I hope you feel better soon.

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