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Atheist & Christain Marriage

Why do you supposed divorce rates are higher among Christain marriages as opposed to Atheist Marriages?[]

Trajan61 8 Feb 19

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They come in with all these expectations and unrealistic notions an base most of it from religion thinking that is going to save them. Guess again!


Most likely because atheists are more likely to treat each other with mutual respect than the evangelical Christians, who teach that women are supposed to obey men.

The same survey showed that liberal churches like Unitarians and Lutherans had the same divorce statistics as that of atheists.


In my experience, it is because what they have been taught is not the reality.

Betty Level 8 Feb 19, 2018

Possibly because marriage is expected as the next level for a Christian couple whereas an atheist couple could live out their entire relationship as just partners.

So some people who get married young at 20-25 don't know everything about their partner and realise later in life that they dislike their partner.

Just an idea. I can't prove it or anything.

The Christain’s often get married young for sex and later realize they are incompatable. People would be better off if they lived together for awhile to make sure they could get along but the religious idiots frown on that.

@Trajan61 I agree but I also don't really like the modern "hook up" culture. To be honest it just seems like it increases the rate of spreading STD's.

I think we should value relationships more seriously but hold off from marriage until around 4-6 years after we begin a relationship with someone. Doesn't have to be 4-6 years but just enough time to really get to know someone.

@Lancer Nothing wrong with going to a brothel occaisionally if that’s what you want to do. Just take precaustions.

Fair enough. Prostitution is legal in Australia but I still like the idea of trying to get a girlfriend first before I resort to that. But thanks for the advice @Trajan61


Christians, especially in the bible belt have a higher divorce rate than atheists per capita last time I checked.

Yes they do.


I can point to several reasons:

  • Getting married is part of being a Christian. You are forced into it, many times before having the maturity to choose a proper partner.
  • Churches teach the wrong standards to pick a partner. Usually it is all about public character and nothing about interpersonal relationship.
  • Abstinence plays a big role. A lot of Christians get married just to have sex, way faster than they should (guilty as charged, sadly). That tends to happen in more conservative settings, of course.
  • Again, in literalist churches marriage starts with 3 individuals. But at some point one of the partners realize that God is not pulling his weight and either take advantage of that or counting too much on someone that just isn't there.
  • Sometimes one spouse (or both, but mostly the woman) didn't get much of a say in it, and later finds one's voice and ability to act on one's will.

And the list goes on and on, not to mention the reasons not particular to religious couples.


Because a christian can wake up one day and realize their partner is batshit. 🙂


The Christain’s as a whole seem to be a somewhat quarrelsome bunch. I don’t know how many times I’ve saw church people get made and go to another church over the hiring or firing of a preacher or something.

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