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Favourite Book Genre?

What's your favourite book genre, and why?
Personally I love reading Sci-Fi. I like other genres too, but Sci-Fi is my favourite. They're a great expression of the author's imagination. Some of the classics are a little dated now, but you can still admire the depth of though that went into creating a futuristic universe, and the technology and cultures that make it thrive.

AntonyCopeland 4 Feb 19

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Crime fiction


My fave is fantasy, but for movies it is sci-fi. In both cases I like the escapism, love the imagination in creating alternate worlds, but any rules they create for physics or magic in their world must hold true in the story or I lose it.


I'm big into sci fi and fantasy. Yes I know the difference. No I'm not going to argue about the difference. I like both! Deal with it.

I like both too. I also like Sci-Fan (science fantasy).




Nuts and bolts scifi. If astrogation and ships engineering is a big part of the story I'm all about it.


Well, as an author of SciFi/Fantasy/Romance I think that is where my favorite stories have come from and why I became an author myself. Of course I’ve only published two books so far. Working on the third now.

Self-published or traditional?

Self @AntonyCopeland


Sci-fi / fantasy horror.
Best example, The great and secret magic show, By Clive Barker

Oh Clive Barker - read one of his early ones as a teen! Didn't go back for a long time. 😉 Creepy scary!

I love Clive Barker. He and Poe have definitely influenced my horror stories

@AntonyCopeland How about Manly Wade Wellman?

@RobAnybody I don't know that author. Which book would you recommend I read first?

@AntonyCopeland Who Fears the Devil. Appalachian folk weirdness.


oddly enough, anything SF-ish with a religious angle. Book of New Good Things is an example.

Try imajica clive barker Incredible piece of work. Most of his best stuff is beyond making into a film.


Non fiction. I like reading about actual events


Easier to list the genres I don't like. Self help/ motivational, 19th century soap opera (Flaubert, Dickens, and technical manuals.


Nonfiction then Sci-Fi.

gearl Level 8 Feb 20, 2018

Historical fiction. Thinking back, I thought I would have been a sci-fi and fantasy "nerd". But apart from JRR Tolkien's work (TLOTR and Silmarillion) and Stephen Lawhead's Arthurian books (which he tied to the Roman Empire and the paganism of the British Isles - which is at the far edge of historical fiction) for fantasy and some Arthur C Clarke's works (Rama, 2001), I didn't pick up any other fantasy (e.g. Narnia) and sci-fi books (e.g. Ringworld - is that even sci fi? I don't know). I did read an Elric of Melnibone book which I found very interesting but it didn't "grab" me to continue reading the series.

In my mid twenties, I picked up, by random, Wilbur Smith's When The Lion Feeds. I got hooked on historical fiction since then. In the last few years, my chosen favourite is Patrick O'Brian's Master and Commander series. My books from these two authors outnumber any other genre in my collection.

O'Brian even over Forester. Sharp, Flashman (really caustic commentary on heroism), BIG chunks of Phillipa Gregory, even Georgette Heyer. It comes behind Fantasy and SF but not far. Harry Turtledove does a brilliant combination of the two, and George RR Martin is clearly rehashing the Wars of the Roses.

If you want some really good historical fiction, you ought to check out Colleen McCullough's books about ancient Rome.
The First Man in Rome is a great, well researched book set around the time of Julius Caesar. A lot of historical accuracy in the writing. There are seven books total in the series. The name of the series is Masters of Rome.

@Lincoln16 thanks for the recommendation. I thoroughly enjoyed Manfredi's novels on Alexander The Great - even if some of the prose didn't really translate as well into the English from the Italian.

I've seen her paperbacks on the shelves but didn't look into them, not knowing they were historical fiction.

I'll check them out.


Definitely Sci-Fi, but I also like many classics.


Scandinavian mystery stories. Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish. Plus English mysteries.

I read Last Rituals by Yrsa Sigurðardóttir, and am planning to read the next book in the series soon

What makes them stand out from the English equivalent?


Fiction. Most fiction? Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy, Suspense, Romance, Mystery and Crime Solving.

Not sure what the Pendergast series is categorized under? [] Best if read in order,

Loads more just having a foggy brain day! J.R. Ward is a favorite. L.K. Hamilton.

I've laid off "the end of the world as we know it" books. Too real right now? 😉

I agree that it is best to read a series in order, but I am sure that the 1st Pendergast novel I read was the fourth in the series: Still Life of Crows. It is still my favorite, followed by the first two in the series: Relic and Reliquary.

@PappyOnWings I didn't know it was a series when I grabbed the book off a library shelf. So that's why I mention there is an order. It didn't hurt my interest one bit either!

@RavenCT Same here. When I read Still Life Of Crows, I did not know it was a series. I looked up the author and Wow - it is quite a series. So far, I've only read about eight, and will probably pick it up again later. Do you have any favorites in the series? Have you read The Lost City of the Monkey God: A True Story by the same author? It is kind of an update of The Lost City of Z. I really liked it.

@PappyOnWings No I haven't read Lost City - so there's a good suggestion! I like the authors of Pendergast independently as well.

And I don't have a favorite in the Pendergast novels - I really just love their ability to give such a great ride on the printed page.

  1. Spy novels. 2) Good courtroom drama.

I like almost all genres. I tend to read a lot of MM romances for a kind of odd reason - I got so frustrated with how authors were writing "strong" women. I found these women to be extremely selfish and cruel. I like smut because I can read it quickly over my lunch at work to decompress before heading back.


crime fiction but every so often go back to the old favourites teh classics


Non-Fiction, but I don't really read much anymore.

What sort of non-fiction?

Books by scientists and dictionaries or encyclopedia's


Horror, Mystery, Thriller, Suspense.


As an author of Science Fiction I'm partial to the genre.

Gohan Level 7 Feb 19, 2018

100 year old contemporary books. I enjoy the things that are "as out of fashion as a 15 stone chorus girl" to use a 1915 colloquialism. I enjoy reading how crowded and sweaty the NY electric train was at the turn of the century, OK one more century back.


Sci-fi, of the John Scalzi, Robert A. Heinlein kind, where there is a fun plot and plenty of character in the characters.

Next favorites, autobiographies/biographies of interesting people, including slave narratives, American Indian captive stories, LGBTQ people, famous people, fictional historical autobiographies, etc.

John Scalzi is my newest favorite SciFi author. Sadly miss the SciFi authors from the Golden Age of SciFi. Also Joe Haldemen but not writing a lot lately.

@buzz13 I found both Joe Haldeman and John Scalzi through following a Twitter service that suggested new books, gave reviews, and both of them were under the heading,"Authors to read if you miss Robert A. Heinlein."
I think John Scalzi is as good, if not better, and reread his books as often as Heinlein's.


There are so many books to read in a variety of genres.
I like reading fantasy, history, historical fiction, political thrillers, to name a few.

Here recently I've been digging some Warhammer 40k sci-fi. I'm reading four different ones from that line of work.

Been trying to read bios on the Presidents of the U.S.

Been doing a little bit of reading in philosophy also. Reading a book based on the Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

It's typical for me to be reading between 10 and 15 books at a time. I've tried to cut that down to under ten at time.

As to why do I like that genre? Well I don't think I truly answered your question. I cannot pick one genre as a favorite. Depends on what time in life the question is asked. But in all honesty, I have not cornered myself into favoring just one. Going to a bookstore or library or even my own bookshelves is like going to a buffet. I'm gonna try a little bit of everything! I like 'em all! 🙂


I like westerns. It is a genre that often doesn't get much respect, but it is a truly American genre and a wonderful vehicle for exploring the American Experience. Four books that won Pulitizer Prizes were books about Western themes - The Way West, The Travels of Jamie McPheeters, Angle of Repose, and Lonesome Dove. A.B. Guthrie and Larry McMurtry raised the Western novel to high literature. Wallace Stegner explored the Western perspective in his fiction and non-fiction. While I am not a fan of Louis L'Amour, I do enjoy Max Brand, Frank Gruber, and Cliff Farrell, among others. Recently, The Son, by Philipp Meyer, now developed into a miniseries, is another example of the rich storylines and characters that can be developed in Western-themed literature.


Police proceddure/detective mystery - Michael Connelly or law/lawyer procedural mystery - Grisham.
some fantasy

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