I have been using Coursera since about 2013 to further my knowledge if you don't want credit you can take the classes for free that's what I do because I'm just searching for knowledge. Has anybody else us this website?
I get their emails and have for a few years now but I haven't taken the time to actually do any of the courses. I was in a relationship that took up a lot of my time and energy (he had a personality disorder we didn't know about, recently broke it off) and now I'm working on getting back into the job market and finding a place to live. Once I get settled I think I'll be jumping on there. Some of their courses award certificates so I think it will be a good tool to add things to my resume after being a stay at home mother, then divorced, then living with someone for years without really working much outside the home. I'm two math classes away from my Associates (Paralegal) and I'm hoping to get those done as well. I did a lot of my Associates online so distance learning isn't something new for me. I highly recommend it if you have self discipline, actually. I was living in Southern California at the time and it was so much easier than fighting traffic to get to the college! There are a lot more colleges doing online programs these days than there were when I began mine.
Hadn't heard of it. I'll check it out. I have used The Great Courses [www.thegreatcourses.com] which are very good. I have a few that I own but I have started borrowing them from my library.
I've enrolled in a couple.