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Is there a God?

LAREBEAR77 2 Feb 19

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The standard-issue invisible supernatural god is non-falsifiable so there's no way to take up a knowledge position for OR against it.

However ... the far more important question is, is there any valid reason to believe in such a thing? Or put another way ... how likely is such a thing? The answers, respectively, are "no" and "about as unlikely as can be".


NO. There is no god, no Santa Claus, no Easter bunny and no leprechaun to steal your Lucky Charms. Just you and me and the rest of the universe.


Well since you ask if there is "a" god I'll assume that any god will do, or perhaps even a generic god-concept.

You'd first have to define what the word "god" means for purposes of this discussion. Then, what would constitute valid substantiating evidence for such a god's existence. And once you've done those two things correctly you have likely answered your own question.


Hard question to answer.As no physical evidence
to say either way.
Should the question be do you have the faith in the believe of a god.
My reply would have to be no


In the story books and legends, yes , of course there is. In fact , there's a whole heap of em.

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