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What are some fake things?

A better mind than myself came up with this list. I'm in 100% agreement.Things that are fake:

  1. Trump
  2. The “leaders” of the alt-right
  3. Women's March national co-chairs
  4. Alyssa Milano
  5. Roseanne Barr
  6. The Baltimore "Purge Flier"
  7. Wikileaks + Assange
  8. Chelsea Manning
  9. Edward Snowden
  10. Manafort/Stone/Gates + Trump Campaign
  11. Brexit
  12. Glenn Greenwald
  13. Caitlin Johnstone
  14. Zerohedge
  15. Gateway Pundit
  16. Daily Caller
  17. Sputnik/RT
  18. RIA Novosti
  19. Brandon Straka
  20. Judicial Watch / Tom Fitton
  21. Rand Paul / Ron Paul
  22. Tulsi Gabbard
  23. Dennis Kucinich
  24. Michael Flynn + Son
  25. Jill Stein
  26. Bernie Sanders [or] Campaign
  27. Devin Nunes
  28. Dana Rohrabacher
  29. Lindsay Lohan
  30. Larry King
  31. Peter Thiel
  32. Rebekah Mercer
  33. Steve Bannon
  34. Lauren Southern
  35. Laura Loomer
  36. Mitch McConnell
  37. Kanye West
UrsiMajor 8 Jan 17

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Great list.....could probably be expanded to include Ann Coulter, Shawn Hannity and all of the Kardashians - ???


The moon landing...


Nice! That's like an Arya Stark kill list! 🙂

Game of Thrones is real though... 🙂

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