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Second day in a row that the weather was perfect for a bike ride! I love the wind in my hair, the burn in my thighs, l can't stop grinning!

What's your go-to outdoor activity?

Nottheonlyone 7 Feb 20

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Walking/hiking while doing bird photography. I'm what I call an "extreme birder." I hike, climb cliffs, wade swamps, crouch in thickets, ignore bad weather, take trips and even move to other countries (like Thailand!) to get desired bird photos.

Here I am in 2009, with birding camera equipment, camo clothing I designed and made myself, after climbing Lockeegee Rock, Rowan CO, KY


Kayaking. I have a double I built from a kit. It's made of marine plywood. I also have a plastic single. Around here the opportunities are endless.

@Akfishlady I haven't been able to use the double since my partner died. A friend has a single but no place to store it. She keeps it at my place and I get to use it.


Camping in my Aframe trailer and hiking trails in campgrounds.


Cycling FTW!

Jnei Level 8 Feb 20, 2018

bicycle riding!! But snow threatens here - too cold.

Just get some snow tires! (kidding). Besides, what's snow?

@JackPedigo 🙂

Me and my big mouth. We now have snow! Time to get out the mountain bike? @silverotter11


Walking is my usual outdoor exercise, and a gentle hike through the woods can be relaxing and quite a lot of fun.


I used to be a distance biker and have a bike I need to use but am afraid on the roads here. mostly I work on my pasture


Same. I went for a mountain bike ride today. It was glorious, a perfect day for it here. Mountainbiking really helps clear my mind and keeps my reflexes sharp, plus all that nature; yep, that's the ticket for me.



Like most men who fish I have taken a few women to show them how to read the water. One was shocked to see a trout in a shallow stream once she learned not to clump around and break the skyline.

Nowadays I can't stand the cold that didn't use to bother me.

Getting old I 'spose.

It's not so bad though. Temperatures are slowly rising and I'll be able to get out more. Have spent many a happy hour fishing.

Listening to Susana Baca - seriously good.


Pedaling my bicycle as much as I can!


Kayaking, followed by hiking.


It has usually been kayaking for me, but I just traded a kayak for a canoe. I have gone kayak/camping, and I can carry a lot more gear in a canoe. I still intend to do a lot of kayaking, but camping should be a lot more comfortable now.

JimG Level 8 Feb 20, 2018

I just go out and walk the trails when it's nice. The weather has warmed up rapidly here in the past week, pretty much spring if it keeps this pace.


Probably just tending to my animals, I have goats, quail and chickens. But I love riding my motorcycle or walking trails.


For most of my life it was surfing, more recently kayaking but age and worn shoulders are catching up with me, so now I go for a beach walk and then swim home in the ocean water of an incoming tide, refreshing, cleansing, quiet, peaceful.


A mountain that warns me of going off trail because of WWII bombs and I promptly head off trail with a pack on my back. (True story)


Yard work 😟. Neglect is off the table. Have to do it in small steps, as least we got a hint of spring.


I took a walk at 8pm in northern Pa in shorts and a tee shirt. I love it.


Mowing - All my cares just drift away while mowing and listening to oldies.


Up until 3 years ago, I walked 3 - 5 miles a day. My main outdoor activity today is vegetable gardening. I do work out with heavy weight 3 times a week at the gym to compensate for giving up walking. .


My go-to outdoor activities are hiking and walking meditation which go hand in hand to me!


Recently for me its fly fishing one of Colorado's many Gold Medal trout streams. With Colorado's average 300 days of sunshine a year this can be done year round. Here is me catching my personal record 28 inch brown trout in the Colorado River on Feb 17th, 2018. A beautiful, gorgeous day in the high country. [Photo won't load. I'll try later]



skado Level 9 Feb 21, 2018

Its the bicycle for me. We have a lot of disused railway lines that have been turned into bike trails.
Just recently I've started running at a Parkrun. That was nice. Fresh air, friendly people and doesn't take too long 🙂

We do, too! And a Cultural Trail that runs through the city like spokes. I love it!


Hiking with my camera. In the desert in the winter, the mountains in the summer.

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