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LINK Joe Biden: White America Has To Admit There Is Systemic Racism | HuffPost

Contrast this with Trump's WHITE NATIONALISM......though the GOP did take away Steve King's committees but held back from CENSURING him. (I'm imagining what they would do, though, to a BLACK Congressperson who openly engaged in overt racism and consorted with Black Israelites or the like, on a regular basis.)

BookDeath 8 Jan 21

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They would try the noose or the cross because they do not play nice with those who criticize.


This is one area (among many others) where the Dems differ from the GOP. But on the issue of racism, the GOP has always used code or has overtly enacted racist policies, if only to push back against non-whites who favor the Dems.

Not really. The GOP base as revealed by Trump is profoundly racist. Systematic Racism? My God (?), just look at the history of the Supreme Court. Despicable! If the US is the pinnacle, the Human Race deserves extinction. It's closer than the Civil War and probably WWII. That's comforting actually.


But wasn't Biden's assumption that "Jamal" was a non-white name racist?


I like Joe Biden, and he is correct here to a point. But why single out "White America"? All whites are not inherently racist, if they were there would have been no Civil Rights Act, no Voting Rights Act, and no whites among the protests that spread across the South in the 60s.

America has a race problem and it must be addressed by all Americans coming together, not by further dividing by pointing fingers.

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