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Mark Twain once said: "Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool.”

Tourirst 7 Feb 21

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Good old Mark. 10/10 for than one.

Leon Level 5 May 7, 2018

Samuel Clemons was so right. And then the con men got together and became Televangalists.

With a Private Jet.


I admire so much of his work! I have read 4 of his books and a couple of his other writings. I also have some of his quotes that I could pull out at a moments notice and that is also one of them.


A quote I use often.


I love Mark Twain's quotes on religion. Thomas Jefferson and Voltaire are other favorites of mine.

JimG Level 8 Feb 21, 2018

My favourite one in any church is “now it’s time for the collection” (and it’s tax free - Amen).


Unfortunately, Twain was often a victim of schemes. A lot of his investments created a financial mess for him.

Jack, Walt Disney went bust 5 times before he tasted success and he was a Jew . So basically if people don’t try they will never know.

And come to think of it, as a Jew he must have felt so stupid to keep failing.


He was ahead of his time. Righteous quote. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Feb 21, 2018

Ops, I unliked comment by mistake. I do like it of course!


Ah, thanks. 🙂

God wasn’t . It took him a long, long time to beam down Scottie and realise (in his opinion) we were misbehaving.




That's actually one of my favorite Mark Twain quotes.

It’s brilliant. Short, sweet and accurate.


My favorite author said that? If he could rise any more in my estimation, he just did.


Nicely said I say 🙂

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