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Houston Auto Show Started Today.

I had to sneak out of work early today!

twshield 8 Jan 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Back in the early 80's I was given a 68 fastback mustang, (long story). 3 speed, with a 302 BOSS engine. I really didn't know what it was, but me and a friend did some work, mostly cleaning, and painting.
ended up selling it for 5K, which at the time at 23 YO, was a lot. Man I wish I knew today what I didn't know then. That car is worth a fortune. meh, such is life.

I have a 69 Mustang, fully restored , perfect condition I will sell you for less than appraised price


I was never into car shows, until my step dad turned me onto them.
He's over the years rebuilt some 60"s MG's, a few Jaguars from that era.
He's done some amazing work.
Anyway, He's been part of a "group" for lack of a better word, who also restore collectibles.
And he took me to quite a few shows, where they show them off.
After a while I got a flair for them.
I don't know shit about the restoration thing, but I've learned to admire the work some do.
Now I'm a big fan.

@twshield Agreed,although he's made a mint selling his productions, he really isn't in it for the money, rather the adventure of really getting to understand the whole make of an old classic.
my mom has quite a few pics of his work. I'll get her to send me some and post them when I can.


Lucky you. I'm stuck waiting at the doctors office now going 3+ hours. I think the doctor slipped out to see the car show and forgot I'm here. Ug!

@twshield I'm going to Smith clinic now. Interns. Oh well. Better than no treatment.

@twshield no Smith clinic. Part of Baylor

@twshield so far it's been fine. I'm taking hormone therapy and the tumors are going away. But all the testing ... I'm sure you know all about it.


Fun, I love checking it out.. see what’s coming out and getting to compare.

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