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QUESTION The GOP is fine with me: A tale from a Humanist Republican

Steve Anderson shares his experience of working with the Democratic party in Illinois and how he changed to Republican.

repubatheists 7 Feb 21

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Chicago & Springfield politics is so corrupt and deep that shallow party changes might seem ethical. ....only the Green Party can clean up the Illinois mess of duopoly and Libertarians have no clue how to honor human community needs


Can't be both...not possible!!

Why is it not possible?


Interesting. I can certainly see why he made the choices he did but I don't see how a humanist can stomach the effects of the GOP agenda.


Humanist republican?? Isn't that an oxymoron??


Okay... that is like, your... opinion man.

Actually, it was a question, one I find asking myself from time to time. So, do you claim to be a humanist republican?? See, another question. I'd like to know how you balance the two together.

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