It seems to me that some people are either too lazy, too stupid, or too worn down by life to make their own decisions so they are willing to submit themselves to someone willing to make them for them. I know this is simplistic, but it seems to me that the idea has credence. What's your opinion.
Good answers here. The psychology of cults is complex and has been studied a lot. Some people are susceptible to cults, or can be susceptible in some situations. I've studied in detail the Charles Manson cult (let's not say Family) and the complex bag of tricks he used, some drawn from pimps he knew who peddled women, through to pop psychology he picked up, and it's amazing how some people like him can 'reality distort' and in effect corrupt those around them. Not always as disastrously or criminally as Manson, but to some degree certainly.
I would also add the obvious point I've made before, that cults belong in the spectrum we call religion. A cult is a small unpopular religion, and a religion is a large popular cult. When I say the word religion, I mean the spectrum that ranges from two bit fruitcake cults, right through the big mainstream religions. It's a total spectrum I reject.
I would question the assertion that a cult must be small. I have heard people of protestant faiths refer to Catholicism as a cultish religion because of the adherence to the primacy of the pope.
@Donna_I no my point was a cult becomes a religion, but they are all cults, big and small, that's my point. The biggest cult on the planet is called the Catholic Church, in my view. Of course, big religions don't think of themselves as cults, but they are. A big Jesus cult called Christianity.
I think it starts with a charismatic speakers with an agenda to please themselves and it expands with the followers need to make the dear leader happy.
I agree. The more charismatic the leader, the more alluring the ideaology becomes.
Imagine that every human characteristic can be expressed in terms of a binary or a gradient, and that distribution follows a standard bell curve:
Some of these things are related. Some of these things are not directly related, but occur together as a consequence of environmental factors or other "nurturance". I suspect that the lion's share of these attributes are largely controlled by "nature".
Through whatever alchemy, you end up with enough people on the right skinny flap-end of enough of the bell curves--enough ridiculously credulous, floridly imaginative, Big Brother-lovin', melt-before-charisma, daddy-never-loved-me emotional black hole types--and there's your cult waiting for its Jim Jones or David Koresh to hit the scene.
Just my guess.
A delusioned mind is a weaker mind, fed nonsense and comforted in some way. Find the uneducated and tell them they’re special. I’m actually surprised there aren’t more cults in existence. I suppose if the big 3 didn’t exist, there probably would be.
Some folks are more susceptible to things like cults. The reasons are as varied as the people. Generally though, your assessment seems to be accurate.
People like answers, not uncertainty. Thunder=must be Thor beating his hammer. Generally speaking, they don't like "not knowing." They also like convenience and care less about truth and more about whether they like or dislike what they are hearing. Also there is violence, fear, and intimidation to spread said ideas/practices. Quite the vicious cycle if you ask me. Instead of being their own leader they choose to be followers, it's easier to follow than to lead yourself or think for yourself. "Huh, how convenient? The answers are all here! No need to think or ask the hard questions now!"