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Did ya’ll have a childhood hero and do they still influence you?

“I believe that education is all about being excited about something. Seeing passion and enthusiasm helps push an educational message.” - Steve Irwin

RandyMoose 7 Feb 21

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My parents,they are gone, and my brother, we have been playing music together for over 45 yrs.


Well, my childhood hero was country music singer Randy Travis. He really was not much to idolize but he was my childhood hero.


Well, my childhood hero was country music singer Randy Travis. He really was not much to idolize but he was my childhood hero.


I have a second cousin, he is older than my parents but I spent a lot of time with him. OK, I didn't realise, he is in his 80s now, and very religious, always at the church and helping others. He was a baker and as a teen I worked for him for a while, most humble down to earth honest person I think I have even met. There we a couple of others who helped me a lot in their way. I rang this second cousin last year, apart from an email 5 years back we had no contact for 30 years. It was as is we had never lost contact, he sounded exactly the same. 30 years ago before I left the city I would turn up at his place Friday night after work, hitch his boat to my car and we would go fishing for the night. Best fisherman I ever met.


Bruce Lee. The more I learn about him, the more impressed and amazed I become


I had a teacher in high school who really challenged me throughout my high school career. I chose to take his classes because I learned more than English from him. I have never met a wiser educator in my never ending quest for knowledge.

My father is my hero though. Even though he is very religious he has always been accepting and understanding with everyone, within reason. He is the perfect combination of empathy and objectivity in my opinion. Additionally, like all good Catholics, he is a reluctant atheist. Lol.


This might be the one forum I can say Hillary Clinton without starting an apocalypse. Then again... You asked. 🙂


My grandmother and LGBTQ aunt, who sent us Haiti missionary kids National Geographic children's nature books, National Geographic magazines, Boy's Life, Highlights magazine, etc.

Thanks to them, we were hysterically excited whenever we heard the drone of the DC-3 mail plane approaching the Cap Haitian airport, and someone would get a car and start off for town, 8 km away, to get the mail.


It was Super Hero comic books that got me interested in morality as a child. They also got me reading way above my age level.


Super Chicken. When you're threatened by a stranger., when it looks like you're in danger, when it looks like you will take a licking (buc buc buc buc) - There is someone waiting who will hurry up and rescue you, just Caa - all for Super Chicken! And if you're afraid you'll have to overlook it - (and now here's the best line) - Besides, you knew the job was dangerous when you took it! ...

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