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LINK Roger stone indicted/arrested!

Good news for once!


genessa 8 Jan 25

Enjoy being online again!

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When will they realize lying is so easily caught...

never. they're stupid! the stupidest thing about them is how stupid they mistakenly think WE are.


@genessa has been insulting to watch the entire bunch think that intelligent and aware people are buying their bullshit...they repeat the pattern as if we don't notice...or won't follow the trails they leave...seriously, I admire the work the Mueller team is doing, but it really doesn't take a genius to know that crimes are being committed left and right..and lying...lots of lying

@thinktwice it will be their downfall. they will find out that while there are plenty of morons, and those morons ARE buying their crap, there are also plenty of ordinary people who have ordinary working brains, and who have a low bullshit threshold.



Very Good! May they all go to hell.

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