Surely Gov. Northam will veto this....I can just picture it now: a church full of good guys with guns (all legally obtained of course and with their concealed-carry permit or whatev) and in walks the BAD GUY WITH A GUN. Shoot-out commences with bullets flying everywhere. Jesus ends up being shot from the cross. Women and children are killed but also the bad guy so the operation is deemed a success. Hmmm, maybe this IS a good idea. A way to increase the ratio of non-religious to religious that much faster....(JOKING!)
My first thought was that scene from the movie “ Kingsmen” when they all take each other out.
I just do not understand the paranoia that must be driving these kinds of actions.
It is called stupid. Unless you have spent enough time in the South, Southeast, or that area in between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, you can't fathom how much stupid is there.