Anti-matter on the Move.."Scientists"
Quote: Positrons (bizarro electrons) do occur in lightning bolts and occasionally show up in outer space, but they tend to annihilate one another long before they have a chance to accumulate. So physicists at the CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) physics laboratory near Geneva generate them, Nature reported, by "slamming a proton beam into a metal target, then dramatically slowing the emerging antiparticles so they can be used in experiments."
But it seems they are now talking about anti-protons. Some clarity would be helpful.
I think earlier in the article they made the distinction, & then sort of assumed it later on. Still an interesting article.
@phxbillcee "Positrons ... do occur ... So physicists ... generate them." How is that talking about anti-protons?
@Coffeo I concede, but still think its an interesting article!
@phxbillcee Sure. Just not properly edited.