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Would you be a better god than the god of the bible? If so - how?

Think about it, you are omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and everything that goes with it, you created the universe. Would you allow people to suffer? We would all say no. But can you describe what a human life would be like if you were god?

Rugglesby 8 Feb 22

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That's simple - I would be all those things and pass out free money. I think I would be very popular. Human life would be pretty good if everybody was equally wealthy.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 22, 2018


I reckon the power would go to my head and I'd be a complete knob.

Childish pranks - surprising lovers at the height of their passion, making doors fall off cars as people open them - you know all the stuff you think is funny when you're a teenager. 😉



I reckon the power would go to my head and I'd be a complete knob.

Childish pranks - surprising lovers at the height of their passion, making doors fall off cars as people open them - you know all the things you think is funny when you're a teenager. 😉


Hells Bells, I am a human and I am better than God. I don't murder, cause floods, droughts, famines, and I don't send you to Hell forever if you forget one day to praise me.


do you remember that clip of Norman Wisdom realising that he could make the orchestra do as he wanted by moving his stick well I'd be like that - changing the colours of the seas and skys etc.Till it got boring then I 'd move on.....


I think I'd focus too much on getting laid... Then there would be all these demigods running around, and I'm not sure what kind of parenting skills I would be able to exhibit at that point.


I probably would have made the oceans much more volatile, removed a massive amount of sulfur and coal from the crust, increased the tenacity of many wild predators, just to limit the spread of man's influence. Although my curiosity would leave me to keeping them around to watch their progression for entertainment. Make minimal contact with them though. Almost as if I didn't exist.

Also in a side note I might want to put alien races on nearby planets, so when they achieve space travel communication is possible. Litter the outside of the planets space with debris to avoid interplanetary missiles.


Free fresh lemonade, would be less of a mandatory science classes.No childhood cancer / leukemia. More love and caring....less smiting.


I'd probably choose to not sit by and watch all of my children running around killing each other.
I'd stop them. That'd be a good start.


Well, that's the thing. Power corrupts. On relatively few occasions, there are those who have the intelligence and decency to use power well, for the good of those over whom they have power. I'd like to think I have the intelligence. But do I have the decency? I don't think so.

By American standards, I'm extremely liberal. I'm pro-choice, pro gay marriage, pro gun control, pro free healthcare and against the death penalty. But as an all-powerful god, I can't help but suspect that I'd get sick of people being against these things and just force them to accept it. That would make me a dictator. Sure, under me, the world could become prosperous, powerful, advanced and civilised. But it wouldn't be free. As a mere human, I tell myself that in that position, I'd limit my actions so as still to allow freedom of choice, but as a god? Would I? Or would I seek to order the world according to my own wish? That's what Melkor, Sauron and Saruman tried to do. Look where that got them.

Also, omniscience makes it all irrelevant. If I know everything, I know everything that's going to happen, including everything that I will do, so I myself will have no freedom to choose my actions. Of course, being omnipotent, I could just change my fate. But my omniscience would tell me what is going to happen, no matter what possible choice I could make. Being omnipotent, I could break the chain and make it so that there is no destiny, but that would make omniscience impossible. This is why I laugh when a god is described as such. It's the ultimate paradox.


No. The power would go to my head and I'd be making parents sacrifice their kids and wiping them out in floods. It'd be like the ant farm I had when I was a kid all over again. Poor ants. Poor, poor ants.


I think I would be a terrible GOD. I would pick some really sinful people to represent me and give my word to the people, I would pick one race of people and declare them my favorite but I would enslave them for four centuries before using my divine power to free them (just to show off). Then I think I would make them conquer the middle east in my name do they can have the land but they must kill every other inhabitant before they can have it. If they start worshipping other gods' idols, I'll just keep enslaving them until they get the picture and burn them for messing up my sacrifices. If that doesn't work, I'll send my son to tell them I love them and make him die for them. If that still doesn't work....I'll just go home and leave them to their own devices....Oh wait...


It would be a more focused question to ask how you could be a WORSE god than BibleGod, because there would be so few ways to do that. Asking how you would be BETTER is like asking someone with no political experience, charisma, or looks, how you'd be a better President than Trump -- almost ANYONE would be better so long as they had integrity, curiosity and empathy.


I've never killed the entire planet save 8 incestuous farmers and their live stock, nor have I commanded or committed any other genocides. I'd say all of us here are already better people than Yahweh is a God.

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