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QUESTION He Became A Celebrity For Putting Science Before God. Now Lawrence Krauss Faces Allegations Of Sexual Misconduct.

You know, as a secular woman, you hear stories of big-time atheists being misogynists, sexists, sexually harassing women, etc. ... I recall hearing these stories from various other female bloggers for the past 7 or 8 years, but didn't think much of it ... but now, with so much substantiation? .... sickens me.


evestrat 8 Feb 22

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Evil men are evil men, it seems, no matter how "intellectual."


The ability of some men to be creeps is in no way effect by their political views, beliefs or accomplishments, as a man you make the declension to be a gentleman or not based on your belief as to the value of women as fellow human beings or sex objects.


So disappointed to hear this.


I wonder why so many seem taken aback by news of this sort? Throughout the majority of the human history of our world, men have built male dominated societies during our long run up the civilization ladder. I suspect one would find a small reduction in such behaviors among the more critical thinkers of the world, but it is still part of the world and the people who populated it are still largely subject to the same conditioning as people in other parts of society. I suggest we stop our self imposed shock at the behavior of a Lawrance Krauss and begin instead to fix the problem at the root. Until we have changed our ways of structuring society, nothing can happen either rapidly of permanently.

One place that might be a good beginning in the removal of the problem would be in stopping the tribal process of putting people on pedestals. As Robert A. Heinlein said: "The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance." Now, just add in anyone else who happens to climb up to a pedestal and you see where the attack needs to begin.


He used to be one of my favorites.


The fact that he is banned from some campuses, especially one that he taught at for 14 years is the most damning fact. They would not do such a thing to a famous intellectual without cause. It saddens that the mistreatment of women is a behavior that crosses all philosophical disciplines. So much for bipartisanship.


I always kind of got that flirty vibe from him just watching his lectures. It doesn't mean he is a sexual harasser, but it's definitely possible. If the claims can be substantiated. When groups of women come forward, it's kind of hard to believe in the person's innocence though. The atheist/"skeptics" bias is pretty gross in the article though.


Now He is famous for putting his dick before his ethics.


As a woman, knowing and having experienced those stories I understand that this is only one small part of the whole and as a woman coming of age in the sixties, I know that this may be just one moment in time. Will this movement be carried forward and effect lasting change? I'm somewhat pessimistic unless it starts at the beginning through education, persistence, planning and sustained resolved commitment.

May I remind you that being an atheist only means no god belief. It doesn't change any other prejudges.



He did defend incest in a recorded interview once. Major creep as far as I'm concerned.


Many (most?) contemporary philosophers in the U.S. are atheists. Philosophy is also the academic discipline with one of the worst reputations for sexual harassment of women. The ability to think analytically doesn't preclude poor behavior towards women.


I have never liked Him. When He has spoken on topics I am richly interested in, I have eventually turned Him off. I have always wondered why this would be. I do not believe I am psychic. I have to wonder why I should feel this way. I have the same feeling about Michael Shermer. They both make my skin crawl.


I'm not surprised. A friend had to deal with an unwanted, drunken sexual advance from Krauss. Karma is a bitch.

Gees that's awful.

@evestrat I had neglected to read the article before posting. I have since done so. I hesitated to include the name of the woman involved, even though she had mentioned the incident in a Facebook post. But I see now she is quoted in the article! Her name is Lydia Allen.

@RavenCT See above post to evestrat.

I had not realized my post to this thread had been flagged. If Karma is a universal principle that would apply to all persons referred to in this post, then all persons would be subject to the said laws of Karmic comeuppance as consequent to some previous action on their part. I never liked Lawrence Krauss much and care for Him even less after these incidents. I would not know the Karmic implications of failing to grasp an ironic observation.


Has he gone to trial?

Not trying to sound like I'm defending a rapist here. I asked the question because this all came up 2 weeks ago and no trial has been started. By these comments we're all assuming guilty until proven innocent. Most of what I've seen is just quoting buzzfeed's initial interviews. Not saying he didn't do it I just don't understand why we're all assuming that the rumor mill is a legitimate source of information.

@SocraticAddict I think when it comes to this kind of thing it's the women who have been assaulted who should be presumed innocent of lying until proven guilty.

Besides, historically, men have often been acquitted by courts on a "he said, she said" basis.

@evestrat I'll admit I have some bias against buzzfeed. I've seen some instances where they silenced people just because they pointed out problems with certain stories posted. I haven't seen too much about the allegations, I just am wary when it comes to media and media based judgement. If he's guilty, there's no excuse.


Really? I don't believe atheists are any more male than any other man. Everyone from everywhere is capable of following the "women are our playthings." It's a human thing. Acusing one group over another is ridiculous. And religious people will make excuses for everything.


genuinely loved krauss. All I will say, whatever the truth maybe, I hope that it is revealed.


He always did seem like an asshole. Its not really surprising.

I wonder how many times his brazen behavior was successful.


I've met Krause, heard him lecture and learned a bit about dark matter, I found him to be egocentric, narcissistic and unrespectful. I don't like Lawrence Krauss.

I also read the Buzzfeed article. I have a problem. A lady accepts an invitation to visit a man's hotel room and is propositioned. She refuses and leaves the room. I didn't see any claim that he held any power over her save the power of celebrity.

I won't argue with anyone who thinks as I do that Krause is a shit. Still anyone who thinks that all atheists are saints is suffering from a different delusion.

Waltz Level 4 Feb 22, 2018

I am just so terribly disgusted and disappointed. You know, you'd think some people would just know better.
He has lost all credibility with me. Damn, that just sucks.


ANYone can be an asshole and this proves it. The down side being those pesty christians will say it is a lack of god in his life that made him do those things. bbahaaaahahahaha.
No, the disire to control, manipulate or fuck made him turn into an asshole jerk.


Omg... I thought for sure he was gay.


Credible allegations, and very unfortunate.

It isn't uncommon for someone to be an exemplary thinker or worker, and yet, a total predatory douchebag when it comes to women. It just isn't true that if you're some sort of Moldy Marvin, you won't present any redeeming qualities to the world at all. Indeed, the very qualities that got you to the top of your field, may also be the ones that make you an asshole.

Also, if you're a sociopath (not saying Krauss is, though he might be) you're probably very charming.

So to answer the rhetorical question posed by the article: yes, at least this atheist believes the allegations.


If they cannot control those character flaws, they will eventually pay the price.I am not surprised. A lot of men who are :"good" men in some ways still have some character flaws.


I was just watching him on YouTube today. Wow.

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