I first read about it in "The People's Almanac", but have come across opinions on both sides. Some cay it is real and others say it is just urban myth. I am taking an agnostic position and waiting for more evidence one way or another. How about you?
Not spontaneous. There is an activation energy that must be met or it would have already happened.
I'm on the side of No...until I burst into flames.
Only for spinal tap drummers
Good one.
Lol Yeah! According to the band it happens all the time!
Human bodies can burst into flames, but it is not spontaneous. There is always a cause.
Experiments with dead pigs wrapped in blankets and ignited demonstrate that there is at least one alternative explanation. Melted fat wicks throughout the blanket, burns as a wick allowing the temperature to go way higher than expected, resulting in almost complete burning.
If it happens to me, I'll let you know. Oh wait... no, I won't be here then!
Belief no. But I do think under certain conditions it is possible. Most of those urban myth type stories I find interesting but really irrelevant to my life. I do however ere towards the open mind in that the world is vast not to mention the universe. A better question for me is how to avoid it!