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You know what's crazy? To declare yourself a non believer in god in America is to open yourself to charges of satanist(if I don't believe in or worship a supposedly benevolent supernatural being, why would one think that I would believe in, or worship a malevolent supernatural being...the point is, I don't believe in supernatural beings!) Even more disturbing, is that too many supposedly "good" believers look down on me because I openly acknowledge my disbelief, yet, in most cases, I am more morally upright than most true believers whose actions, and attitudes expose their non belief. IT'S CRAZY...the bible states, " by their fruit, you will know them. People the world over believe, not because they BELIEVE, but because they were TAUGHT to believe...they should have been taught to think....

umanity 4 Feb 23

Enjoy being online again!

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I once knew a couple in their early twenties, originally from the mid-west. They were very devote Christians, born-again. I was curious about their beliefs. In conversation once, the wife told me, "I am so glad I am saved, I don't have to think anymore". Personally, I find that appalling. I think the purpose and joy of life is to think.

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