I used to think it was a crazy idea, but now I'm beginning to think that it would be crazy if this universe was the only one that was a product of the Big Bang. What's the probability that only one universe evolved out of the period of inflation? I'm thinking not only do we have more than one universe, but we probably have infinite amounts of different universes. It would be great to see if we can create instruments to detect the waves from other universes, but the problem is that we don't know if the other universes have the same laws as we do.
Food for thought
There is a documentary titled 'Particle Fever'. This film takes place at CERN (Switzerland) and is about finding the Higgs-Boson (the so-called god particle) particle. It is theorized the energy level of this particle points the way to a single universe or multiverse. Watch the film to get the answer. It is a bit long and can be boring but seeing some of the machines and following the theories is absolutely phenomenal.
Doesn't quantum theory mean that there are multiple universes superimposed on one another every time something happens, for instance, one where I did post this reply and another where I didn't?
That would be the many-worlds interpretation, there are other versions as well.
Yep, that is the many worlds theory, just one interpretation of the multiverse idea. The most fascinating one though
@ThomasMeador, quantum physics is more than just this but the many worlds interpretation of multiverse is one of the implications of quantum mechanics. According to MIT cosmologist Max Tegmark, there are four levels of multiverse: Level 1: regions beyond our observable cosmic horizon (based on inflation theory, the least controversial of all multiverse interpretations); Level 2: other post-inflation bubbles of universe/pocket universe (based on string theory); Level 3: the many worlds of quantum physics (Schrodinger’s cat and double slit experiment). I think this is what Paul4747 means there’s a world where he posted this answer and another world where he didn’t; Level 4: other mathematical structures (other universes that have fundamentally different equations of physics). If you are interested in these different levels of multiverse, you can read Max Tegmark’s paper here: [space.mit.edu]
I've thought about some fire shit at times. What if... the big bang was actually a star that collapsed into a black hole from another universe. And our stars which collapse into space-time singularities form a one-way one-time gate/explosion of matter into another universe. This would explain the "sudden" explosion that is the big bang. And it is a cycle which essentially never ends.
Jay, I agree. But, beyond multiple universes, connected by worm holes, but also multiple dimensions within each universe. Each dimension is determined by the level of frequency or vibration which that dimension maintains.
At this moment, the only reason your computer keyboard, the desk, and walls, etc. are 'solid' objects, is that your body resonates at the same frequency. This dimension maintains a low frequency, therefore the objects around us are more dense.
I may be incorrect but i do believe our physics does in fact predict that there are other universes. It is my believe that the big bang was the result of one of these different universes's somehow leaking a great amount of energy into our universe which I can not say was empty at that time.The reason I believe as I do is the debate about what is nothing. As I see it nothing is something ,it is the lack of anything. Under this pretext an empty universe could exist and be invaded by another universe. it seems like a wacky nonsense but so does quantum physics with a particle being in two places at once.
There are a number of different multiverse hypotheses, none have been elevated to the status of theory. And while they are interesting to speculate about, until there is a way to test these different ideas, I will reserve judgement personally.
Yep- of course; that is what a thinking person would do
Wow. I love this topic. Given the evidence that supports the existence of dark matter and dark energy, there is a great deal to our own universe that is still beyond our comprehension. The baryonic matter that we can observe and research constitutes less than 5% of our known verse. Singularities are essentially a rip in the fabric of space and time with an input/output system that is beyond our comprehension simply because information cannot escape from an event horizon. When the forces of gravity require an acceleration beyond the speed of light to reach escape velocity all the laws of physics break down. There is no guarantee that when a singularity undergoes a big bang that energy and matter (including the dark versions) would be of the same proportions and distributions as they are in our observable verse. The possibilities are infinite and it is entirely likely that we inhabit this one because it is possible to do so.
I do suspect that there are other bubble universes, but we'll probably need to get a better understanding of our own before we can consider measuring others. Of course I try to keep in mind that when I was younger I was emphatically told that we'd never be able to study exoplanets.
We are in a 3D level of consciousness, we miss the 4th dimension which allows us to move freely in time and space with the power of mind. the bad news is we enter the 4th dimension at the moment we die but the good news is in the 4th dimension we are not humans anymore
... Gods, Aliens, Angels, Demons, spirits or anything but not a humans... and the best news is we have unlimited dimensions as you said about infinite multiverse.
That is a very cool speculation. I hope your right, unless of course, in 2056 when I reach 100 yrs old I'm uploaded into a machine body, then I would miss out!!
I don't agree or disagree with it. I think of it as just a possibility.
To me, it is nto whether or not the theory is true, but whether if it is true, I shoud lmake any differences in how I live my life, and I can think of no reason why I should, so whether or not it is true is irrelevant to my life.
I do however think that if it is true, that travel between the multi-vers may be more possible than time travel. Our course once you leave this version of the universe for another, I think it would be highly doubtful that a person could ever return to the original universe in which one started. At least based on what I know and have red so far. In any case it won't be happenign in our lifetimes, so I am not all that interested in reading more.
I am more interested in things that actually might affect my life. Things like cars that drive themselves. I am legally blind and had to give up driving when I was 29. I'd liek tohave a car that would drive me places, since I can't drive myself. To me tha tis worth spendign my time on to research further, instead of the milti-verse.
I think it's great for science fiction and expanding the way we think about the world, time, etc., but nothing yet points to a multiverse. It would be amazing if science did start taking us in that direction, the possibilities are endless, literally!
I not long ago was reading a book called "Time Travel in Einstein's Universe" and by the time I was about 1/3rd of the way through, I was in such mental knots as to be finding the book beyond me. It had all sorts of theories including "String Theory", "Multiverses", and other equally bewildering ideas. So my position is that I neither believe nor disbelieve, I am happy to park such ideas and or theories in the unknown basket, and leave it at that.
My question about time travel -- neither endorsing or denying -- how do you get around that if time travel exists, everything that has happened and is happening and will happen is happening right now. So as we travel through this file cabinet of existence, we need only know how to catalogue and access where we want to go.
Ya, I watched a TV, 'science' program- and it was way beyond me. There I am---- being honest. But one thing I did get out of it was these universes could be 'playing' at the same time, and occasionally crossed each others paths.
This is an inconsequential point and I don't relate it directly to a multiuniverse, But a recent happening I experienced is a strange event. I draw cartoons and I wrote the word "WHAT" on a designer licence plate in a cartoon. It wasn't published so few people saw it. About two weeks later someone published their Trump for this Halloween and wrote, "WHAT" beside it. I don't know anything about the other person and I have read no articles where we may have mutually read the word "what".
Then there are the events where we seem to be living them for the second time. We can tell what is about to happen for a few seconds or minutes. I am not 'attuned to the psychic' (in fact I find the subject one to be held up to conjecture), but it has happened a few times to me.
There's no way to determine if it's correct at this time, but it's certainly an interesting theory... the problem is, we don't understand enough about the origins of our own universe to really investigate the possibility of there being others. From what we understand, our universe has expanded outwards, in all directions, from a single point in space and time.
Excuse me if I add a little 'serious humour' to this. We can send rockets to Mars, but we can't even understand what some of the other residence of this place have to say, such as a 'frog'.
I was thinking I was the only person who had this inkling. I don't think the multiverses started from our big bang. Frankly, I'm thinking tht if we could look at our region in space we'd see a bunch of universes, sort of like looking into a bottle of 7-up and seeing all the bubbles. I got this from reading about dark matter. Physicists are famous for making things up when they can't explain something. But the question was, why are the outer reaches of our universe accelerating instead of slowing down or remaining constant. They thought up dark matter, but haven't been able to come up with a mathematical representation.
But here's my take on that. What if there are big bangs going on all over the place all the time. Ours was about 14 billion years ago, Energy was flung across our region then began to solidify. But maybe some unimaginable distance away, another singularity was forming. sucking in random energy and matter Its gravity would suck on nearby universes and the outer edges of those universes would speed up towards the singularity.
Now, Over the course of billions of billions of years, Other universes would pour enough energy and matter into that distant singularity that it reaches it's capacity for sucking and explodes, Another big bang. Our outer space telescopes wouldn't be able to see these other universes because they're so distant, light wouldn't have gotten here year and even if it had it would still be an undefinable dot in the pixels of the distance.
So think about so many universes, breathing in, breathing out, creating.
Still does this mean that the string theorists are wrong? Are we standing beside a veil that separates us from another existence altogether? I just say it's not impossible. It's totally ridiculous that anything exists. Of course Hawkings has shown mathematically that nothing can't exist. The essence of gravity creates energy and matter from nothing, which means nothing is something, we just don't know what -- yet.
Well to begin with, there is no theory of a multiverse. There are hypotheses that point toward a multiverse. A theory is a well founded model that describes a phenomena. A theory is backed by evidence that is peer reviewed and duplicated many times and found to be consistant with reality. There could be a multiverse and then maybe not. Anything that is beyond the confines of the observable universe can not be observed or measured by any means we have available at this time. This is exactly the opposite of a theory and as such can be given no more validity than any other speculation. Do I think it is possible? sure do, in fact I suspect it is more likely than not but I have no evidence to support that opinion so that is what it remains.
I respect everyone's wanting more evidence. But I'm dealing in conceptual physics, in other words, physics for the liberal arts major.
I'm just thinking the big bang that was here 14 billion years ago, could have been one of many over the unimaginable eons. I just think at one time, we believed the stars were angels, then something else, and as our ability to understand grew, so did our knowledge of the cosmos.
But considering for us to see the farthest reaches of our universe would be two see light from 14 billion light years ago. To see a neighboring universe might require light from 1000 billion light years ago. I'm thinking one of these days someone looking at a hubble photo is going to faint when she realizes that dot is not in this universe.
Sounds like faith
Thanks, but I am not too interested in all the 'precise' semantics- and the universe wasn't what I was talking about. It was knowing the future for a few seconds or minutes. It has happened to many people- NO, I do not own a crystal ball that can predict the future, and I won't even talk with anyone that owns one and claims they can predict the future. LOL
I believe the multiverse is a possibility. There are loads of theory out there to support it. One theory I'm particularly fond of is that the universal expansion will reach a point where it will retract to a center, compress, explode an start another cycle, big bang. The theory is that the universe will cycle over an over like everything else does.
When it contracts where will it contract to? Would there just be space and a point with time?What created space, time and matter?
I think there is likely at least one other universe and contact between its plane of existence and ours was probably the Big Bang.
I don't really buy in to the Multiverse theory though, I doubt that exist a different universe for all possible outcomes of all possible occurrences.
I see no reason to believe there is a Universe. I can't think of anything in nature that only happens once. Maybe it does and I just don't notice. Big Bang (not 100& sold on this idea yet). Why just one? I think of it more like popcorn. Can't eat just one. There are lots of verses out there, so we might as well start singing.
One theory I read was called M-thoery which is from my understanding advanced version of String theory.
It says about many dimensional membranes separated by another dimension. Let's visualise it by two A4 size paper sheets hung vertically with a little gap maintained between them.
And due to some interactions between the membranes, there occurs some commissions at many different spots each a Bing Bang and creates a universe there.
Its multidimensional. 10 dimensions plus time.
May be it says about universe within universe within another one.
In Men in Black movie there is something like this I recall
I was just thinking about time the other day and I decided that there really isn't any way that time cannot go on forever or that a universe could expand forever.Perhaps the universe will at some point join another universe. We can not see far enough into the past to actually see what existed before the big bang. Was there just space? Did the big bang also create another dimension?Are the number of dimensions infinite and if they are where do they exist?
I read that before Bigbang not even space existed. Some sort of singularity existed before the inflation.
Even singularity had to exist somewhere
I think it is highly probable. I believe M theory support the multiverse model as well.