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Has a faith healer ever wanted to try to heal you?

I’ve gotten into so many heated arguments before over this topic when explaining the dangers about the reality of faith healing and how it was more a world of delusions. I was told I was a filthy soul, who didn’t trust in the lord because I refused to rely on faith healing and would go to my regular doctor appointments all the time instead of trust on faith when it came to my well being and health. What are some of your experiences, if you have any that you’ve had with faith healers?

EmeraldJewel 7 Feb 23

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A faith healer would burn his hands if he touched me....

Hahaha! Luckily I never let him touch me, but he did seem to get upset I would not approve.


Yes, and I always said no. I do not want to set a bad example for my children and have them think this is okay, it is not. Faith healing is phony and I will not endorse or support it in anyway.


Ive never even thought of going to a faith healer, it seems a bit too Cheesy to me

It is. Sometime I watch YouTube videos with the frauds exposed because it’s entertaining for me when the high wear off these naive people just to later learn nothing about their health changed. I think I’m a sadist.


This doesn't seem to happen in New England? However someone will try to convince you to have a Reiki Session. Use "Grounding" etc....


Went to see the eclipse with an old friend of mine who happens to have lost both legs below the knee. At one of our stops there was a woman who asked if she could pray over him and restore his legs. Seemed sincere enough and it seemed to comfort her at least, though both my friend and I felt a bit embarrassed.

After she left I turned to him and said, "well, I'd have been impressed if it actually worked" and he responded "yeah, somehow it's never worked any of the other times a random someone's tried it either".


I don’t think I’ve ever came into contact with one, at least actively.


I would not waste my time with a quake faith healer.


I have never been to a church where faith feeling was practiced. The Pentecostal preachers who incorporate snake handling into the services certainly get my attention. This video is about 7 minutes long, the reporter's name is Juju Chang. Watching her expressions is priceless. The preacher who is featured and interviewed by Ms. Chang had been bitten eight previous times. The ninth bite proved to be one too many.



yes, as in homeopathy and reiki. Pisses me right off.

Lol reiki is a joke, too.


The closest I came is that I "went forward" on a lark at one of those pentecostal crusades where they line people up to be "slain in the spirit". I was the only one that didn't enter into the mass hysteria and fall into the waiting arms of some volunteer behind me. The evangelist, speaking in tongues, came up to me and pushed me on the forehead. Then he pushed harder. Nothing happened. He shrugged and kept on going.


I tried yoga and they told me that there was this other thing we could do for free. So, I tried it. Women waved here hands around my head. I tried not to laugh.

I'm thinking it was Reiki.

@RavenCT I think so. It sounded like ree-key. Beyond dumb. At least a real faith healer gets you sorta motivated and pumped up.

@engineer_in_nj That is the one! Exactly how that's pronounced.


I had a friend many years ago who was heavily into spiritualism and faith healing and having been privy to a lot of 'sessions' I am convinced that the odds of faith healing working run at less than 50% because it's chance and you're dealing with something with less than a 50/50 chance of getting better on it's own. Faith may give the recipient succour if they're receptive to it or have a faith to start with but I couldn't see any improved outcome or evidence based success. I suppose it didn't actually do any harm as it wasn't forced on anybody.

It could harm if it was used instead of western medicine, regardless of being forced or not.


My brother considered himself one and chased me around the house one day trying to “heal” me. I had cramps as women have occasionally and he thought he could make it go away. Ugh what a freak! He’s still just as delusional and I don’t speak with him anymore for many reasons.

Oh, man! That’s crazy.


My mother could cure warts, and did so several times, on the fingers of my young cousin (her nephew). She simply drew a ring around them with a ballpoint pen and told him they would go away, and they did. However, she never claimed that it had anything whatever to do with religion or faith in god. It was purely autosuggestion, but it worked. (Yes, well of course they might have gone away anyway — I know that — this is purely anecdotal.) My cousin is now an Anglican priest. I don't think there is any connection.


I never knew him and wasnt born when this story started so please let me tell you first that I don't even know its my story even though it happened to me . My uncle had a girlfriend whose spine was twisted and he took her to a famous Faith healer Harry Edwards who treated my aunt she was never completely better but was able to walk without a metal corset and ride a bike - I did know her but not well as she lived on the Island. (Dont ask I don't know). Harry Edwards told my uncle that he had a 'gift' and wanted to teach him, which they did. When I was 4 years old (1952) I got double pneumonia and measles, (probably due to Churchills smogs) at the same time our doctor lived at the end of the road and made many house calls each day but didnt have much of an armoury of medicines then .

My Uncle John was called to the house and I remember being in my mothers bed with all my aunts and granny lined up watching - all dressed in black (probably just in case).

I don't remember this bit but my uncle breathed in my breath and then went outside and was seriously sick, and apparently I started to get better - I have no take on this story whatsoever. I was told it many times. For me its just a folk tale. I don't know that my Uncle John 'wanted' to 'heal ' me he just came when asked .


I've always had psychic powers, as well my mom, sister, and both kids, often healing people, among other things, raising animals from the dead, ESP, teleportation, etc., but without religious connotations.

Everyone can do it, and the Haitians did all the time, as well as Native American Indians. In fact, their white child captives would acquire Jesus-like powers within six months of being captured and never lost them even when they were returned to their white, Christian families.

Einstein showed us that all matter is a form of energy, so since energy can neither be created nor destroyed, we have always existed and will always exist in some energy form.

I believe in physics, and that we are participating in creating our own universes/reality

Mark 11:23 in the Bible also agrees:
"Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith."

“I regard consciousness as fundamental and matter as derivative from consciousness." – Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics


Funny story.
So, about 4 years ago.. I was dating this one girl who was heavy into the crochet crowd.
This one business she frequented was having a sort of party/get together.
So, I went with her because she wanted to go.
There was a woman there who was a massage therapist who claimed to be a faith healer as well.
(I chuckled at the concept)

This person was offering free 10 minute massage/hearings.
The girl I was seeing took advantage.
After the 10 minutes was up, the woman offered her services to me and I declined.
She tried to persuade me and my answer was still a solid "No"
When she asked why, a voice from the crowd said "Because he's atheist" (It was the voice of someone I met prior to this little get together)
The woman was like: "Oh. I see. Well. It's still free and maybe afterwards we can talk about why you don't love God."

I cut her ass off right there and shot her down by saying something along the lines of: "First off, I don't need to 'love' a god that clearly doesn't love humans. If he did, there wouldn't be so much fucked up shit in the world. But I guess he's too busy worried about having his presence in the pledge of allegiance that trivial shit like child abuse within his own 'house'.
Now as for your little magic fingers. I guarantee you it won't do shit for me. Massages don't work on me. I don't like to be touched. Especially by strangers and that doesn't have a damn thing to do with whether I'm an atheist or not."

She left it alone and carried on her business.
The girl I was seeing wasn't very happy.
Which made no sense because she wasn't a believer either.
The whole situation made little sense. Don't know why they had a bible thumper there when it's a LBGT friendly business.



JohnQ Level 3 Feb 23, 2018

I have never met a faith healer.

you might be the lucky one !

@jacpod I'm not in hospitals though.


Never been in a situation with a faith healer, but I certainly wouldn't be anywhere near kind to such obvious con men.



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