52 7

In the Bible where Jesus says "He who is without sin the first stone" Two questions come to mind:Why did she cheat and why didn't the man whom she cheated with get punished?

PatrickKerr 6 Feb 7

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He was a republican so was the judge


I thought it was a prostitute they were going after.
And if that’s the case, why not not the Toms.
Still stands to this day.


@Amisja Ohhhh ok. Don’t know my Bible stories very well fortunately.

@Sydland What I recall reading was that she was a harlot/prostitute. And when Jesus said "Let he among you who is without sin cast the first stone", a little old lady came up to the front of the mob, threw a perfect pitch that landed right in the middle of her face and she went down for the count. Jesus spun around and shouted "Mom!! You know what?,Sometimes you really piss me off, damn it!"


@Logician You know, that’s my memory of it too.

@Sydland Which part, harlot, or Mary throwing the first stone?


@Logician I think both.
If that had been told to us in Sunday school I would’ve paid attention.

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