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Are We Born Atheist??

I hear a lot of Atheists/Agnostics say that we are all born Atheist, does anyone agree with this statement? Personally I do not. Only because we are born without the knowledge of what a deity is, so therefore we cannot choose to believe in it or not. I'm curious to hear what everyone else thinks.

K_Leigh 4 Nov 4

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Atheism is the lack of a belief in a deity. Everyone is born without knowing what a deity is. You can't believe in a concept that you are not even aware of. Therefore, everyone is born an Atheist.

A newborn has no cognitive functions to allow the dismissal or even conception of a Deity. To deny something's existence I trust you must first be able to conceive it, which a days old child can't. In short, I think a baby is godless, yes, but not a God denier.

Agnostism is the lack of belief, Atheism is the belief that the universe created itself, so I'd say everyone is born Agnostic if we follow your previous logic


We're technically born without a belief in God or gods, and that fits the broader definition of atheism. On the other hand, we also lack language skills and the ability to not defecate all over ourselves. I think the real question is whether we would, without otherwise satisfying answers to life's wonders, develop God myths to explain the world and comfort us in our pain and sorrow. I don't know whether we would or not. I tend to think we would, as a society, spin fanciful tales to provide convenient answers. We have a desire to know things, but we're overall rather bad about caring whether our answers are valid.


I think not.


Not believing something is not a belief. It's just normal human being. But being religious has become the new normal, so non believers have been labelled a name atheist.


We are not born atheist. Theism must exist in a community for one not to believe in it.
This being said many cultures have been found over the last 200 years that had no concepts of God's or spirits. They were not born atheist because there were no theist.
Many believe that we are born with a desire to seek spirituality. History and sociology proves this wrong. This line of thinking is as much of a myth as gods.


I think so, as religion and its concepts are taught, well, actually brainwashed.

Gary Level 4 Nov 7, 2017

We are born a clean slate so yeah




From the perspective of evolutionary theory, we are all born wanting and needing mom.

The genes that promoted such behaviour survived for obvious reasons.

God is mom.

So I'm not sure one can safely say we are born atheistic.


I agree with most of the other commenters here that we are born atheist. Belief is something that is later learned. I suppose that I have not added much to this conversation but please be gentle to the newbie on this site.

sol65 Level 3 Nov 5, 2017

I think people who say we are born atheists mean we are born not believing, and are taught to believe. Without beign taught nobody would believe. Without someoen teachign us there is deity, then non-belief is the option.


We are all atheist to each other believes


yes but we all have an imagination that can be hijacked quite easily


If you define an atheist as one who does not believe in God or gods; of course all are born atheist, for belief is acquired.
Even if you define atheist as the rejection of a God or Gods you must first acquire a belief.

mzee Level 7 Nov 5, 2017

When we are born we are born not knowing of or believing in God so I do think that falls Somewhat under the atheist or agnostic category


I believe we are born without any religion until we are indoctrinated by parents and family. A majority of the time you just go along with the religion your parents are, that is unless you start questioning all the crazy dogma as you get older.


We are. Babies are like unmolded clay. What you teach them about the world, morals, life skills, etc. molds them as they grow up. Once they can think for themselves they will become curious and may believe religion. But you can't say babies are born religious if they don't even know what it is. The youngest they can be is maybe pre K in Sunday school when they can hear and understand the stories.

However it was the opposite for me. I was raised in a Christian home but became curious of other religions at 12 and eventually became atheist then agnostic. Religion can't explain everything and science can't explain everything.


I recall my attempted indoctrination when I was a small child. Even then it made no sense to me. If there is an all-knowing God doesn't it make sense that we would have innate knowledge of it? Just my thoughts.


It depends on the definition which you use. Atheism in itself merely means "Without God". In that way, we're all born atheist, because none of us has knowledge of God.

The word, however, is now often used to denote an active position of consciously rejecting belief in any god. No baby is capable of doing that.


i'm going to be the outsider here and disagree, i think we're born curious, we can come up with our own imaginary friends and creations. and conformational biases make us see patterns in nature and the world that arn't really there leading us to believe in magic or superstitious habits. the kind that seem to occur in all cultures over the world.

i think religion may have been invented by annoyed parents getting frustrated with all of their kids questions.
why is the sky blue? because a magic man who liked blue made it...


I believe we are born atheists.
The definition of atheism is the lack of belief in god(s). I lacked that belief when I was born.

I don't believe anyone chooses to be an atheist anyway, once a person has HONESTLY looked at the overwhelming lack of evidence for a god they have no choice but to become a non-believer.


I don't agree with the statement. We are all born checking no to the question of, "Are you religious?", but that doesn't make you an atheist. A theist believes in an alternate reality without proof which would makes the word atheist a double negative or an absurd word. If the two without's cancel each other out you're left with someone believing something with proof, wouldn't anybody?


We are all born atheists.
Children inherit their parents religious beliefs


Yes, everyone is born atheist. Children must be indoctrinated/taught what they are supposed to believe. If there was a god why would he/she/it have us born naturally as atheists? Religion is used to control people, take their money, and keep them under certain types of control.

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