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LINK Three Things President Trump Must Do Immediately to Destroy the Deep State - YouTube

It is time to crush the Fasco-Libtards, Deep State, Clinton Crime Family, call them what you will, by using their very own methods.

Lionel spells it out. I support his analysis.

SidneyWinston 6 Feb 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Wouldn't it be awesome to see the Clintons prosecuted? Seeing as there is tons of evidence against them and none against Trump, you know it is all a political farce. ?


"Call them what I will..."

Your paranoid delusion? I think that is what I will call "them".

Or "the Deep Lie".
"The Deep Fantasy"? Oo, I like that one. That's going to be the title of my book. I'm copyrighting that one right now, baby.

Titles cannot be copyrighted

@CallMeDave Tell that to George Lucas. Then try titling your next work of fiction "Star Wars".

But just for you, I'm coining the phrase instead.

@Paul4747 "Copyrights cover works fixed in a tangible format, but because titles are typically short, they don't fall under copyright protection. So no, you can't copyright a title to a book, song or movie. But you can trademark a title, which may give you the protection you seek."

from Wiki. Makes sense for entities where trademarks are applicable.

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