The answer is yes, pretty much everything I can think of that is even remotely bad is worse than a limp handshake. I really don't enjoy shaking peoples hands, especially people who decide it is a good idea to crush your hand. I want people who disagree with this to offer a rational reason why it is okay to basically assault someone. Also for those who agree with me on this, I say whenever you hear someone say 'There is nothing worse than a limp handshake' we instantly punch them in the face really hard and ask what they would have preffered, a punch in the face or a limp handshake. Who's with me.
Seriously though, for those who agree, what can we do about this, and can we start our own way of greeting people completely different to shaking hands, like a fistbump or something
There's a couple of really old answers already...
All about fist bumps. They're more hygienic as well.