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What rationale have you received from religious people on why evil exists?

I always thought I received a crappy set of answers regarding evil. I got a variety of answers on that one such as:

  • It's all part of god's plan.
  • Evil is here to teach us a lesson.
  • We wouldn't know what good was without it.
  • It happens because of man's fall from grace.
  • Adam's sin caused evil.
  • Eve's sin caused evil.

I'm sure there are other reasons I'm forgetting. None of these satisfied me.

SteveB 7 Nov 5

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Free will. Because somehow the free will of rapists, child molesters, and murderers trumps the free will of their victims to, y'know, not be raped, molested, and murdered.


free choice


Just the old "devil made me do it" defense harkening back to the old SNL skits. Beyond that, they don't want to accept responsibility for their own mistakes.


Good cannot exist without evil like a balance of sorts.

SamL Level 7 Nov 6, 2017

Some of my friends are very New Age. A lot of people have thrown this weird Californized version of karma out at me. They'll literally claim that someone who's a victim of a violent crime was a criminal themselves ("in a past life," because of course), and thus they "learn" from the experience in this life. I've never got a straight answer on how this supposedly teaches any kind of lesson - seems to me it would be a bit like watching a dog mess on the rug, then hitting them with a newspaper two days later, and expecting them to make the connection.

It also leads people to be less compassionate, because if anything bad ever happens to someone then obviously they did something to deserve it. It’s a pervasive issue in many Budhist cultures.

It comes from the Hindu caste system. You can find some info here... []


When I was a teen, I asked that question of a priest and was told, Cain killed Able and that released evil into the world. I asked why God allowed that and was told...When God cast Adam and Eve from Eden he granted them free will. I asked if God is all-powerful, then why did he not destroy all evil and was told it was a test of man's faith. I said it sounded more like a science experiment to me and was told to go home and pray for forgiveness. Just one of the reasons I refused to attend church and that led me to question all I had learned.

Betty Level 8 Nov 6, 2017

Earth is god’s Hunger Games 😛


Your experience tells you why it is senseless to discuss religious topics with "true believers" -- you cannot discuss (with rationality) irrational beliefs.


Man has free-will and is influenced by Satan. It's all Satan's fault as God is 'good all of the time' (apart from when he doesn't bother to show up to stop 100% of the preventable tragedies, shame theists). I also love the Catholic 'original sin' version, how is that for messing up children and humanity.

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