Even with the reality and facts of the mass murdering inside of church People still believe that he Or something Out of The Bible will protect them .It's crazy because I do think some of the believers have a good head on their shoulders but I guess it's just a clear example of brainwashing
When you think about where are the safest places to be free from violence I would think that a church would be one of the safest places because throughout history many have sought sanctuary from oppressors by going to a church. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be true because there are too many examples of people being killed while in church. Still, if you're not safe from being killed while in church there is something awfully wrong.
We fool ourselves everyday. Everyone is in some regards are brainwashed. Some brainwashing is perhaps justified in maintaining a common 'unity'. Most people are so accustomed to 'brainwashing' they'd missed it if they didn't have it.