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Do you ever think there is just too much stuff in this world to care about and you can't seem to focus on just one thing?

I mean, I care about the environment, about social issues, about animal welfare, etc. How do you pick just one thing and really put something into it.

The older I get, the less focus I am becoming!
Anyone else feel this way?

Akfishlady 8 Feb 27

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We could probably spend every cent and every minute of our day and not feel we make much difference. I was the enemy, the work I did years ago enabled things that I was and am opposed to, that I was extremely good at what I did made it even worse. So after my own style of rebellion, I left and have only worked for the not for profit sector for 30 years this coming May. I mostly leave social issues to others and do what I can to support those working with animals, so I can focus on environmental issues, hands on where possible, plus also wildlife care. I still consult a bit, most often for free to organisations I believe make a difference. I make no appologies that I am not into social issues, people can do a lot to help themselves but I still get caught up with kids and people with intellectual disabilities. They need someone on their side.


I focus my money on contributions to an international animal welfare organization in addition to a national feral cat group and a local domestic pet sanctuary, and a food bank. Oh, yeah, I recently joined Planned Parenthood.

@Akfishlady I focus on the charities that mean something to me and serve what I think is a "neglected" area of society. I've heard too many people say they hate cats and too many people are "messed up" and mistreat their own pets. In addition, I am saddened by the fact that so many children in the US go to bed hungry. I have to let go of the other issues. I'm only one person. If I won the Mega Millions or the Power Ball jackpot of half-billion, I'd give more.


The real problem is human overpopulation but no one wants to address it so id forces them blinkers on because it will get addressed the hard way.

yes, overpopulation is what will take us out as a civilisation. We are simply too good at surviving. So we keep increasing our population, creating more consumers, more polluters and one day, soon or even recently, we pass the point of no return. Maths.

I think we have


I pick all of the above...
As a lot of it is tied together.


Yes! Lately, to an alarming degree. Not sure what to do about it, because I enjoy my social media too much to kick it to the curb. Maybe ‘curb’ is the operative word here.


The challenges we experience are many as you state but so many of them are entrined like the environment and animal rescue cannot be separated. Therefore , it appears that we must focus broadly in order to achieve something that should be simple. With all the areas that need attention it is easy to become frustrated and almost want to give up. However it is people that care that rise above the crowd persist in their endeavors and hopefully achieve their goal.


You will work harder and do more good in things that you enjoy. I fostered dogs because I enjoyed it. I ran for school board because I was interested in politics and education. I helped a friend get back in her feet because I liked her. I will adopt at least some of my kids when I plan my family because I like kids. These are not sacrifices because they fit into my life

Then try to build passive habits for the rest. It’s just a habit to take a cloth grocery bag to the store. It’s just a habit to turn off lights to save electricity. It’s a habit to ride my bike places since cars have emissions, and that is because of the neighborhood I chose where it was designed so that could be a habit easily. I have automatic monetary donations that are sent out every month as just a part of my normal budget.

Myah Level 6 Feb 27, 2018

there does seem to be more to focus on


Pebble in the pond . Even a small act can create big ripples .do what you can even if it seems small it could be the thing that makes a difference


I am and am getting worried about my health. Winters are always a slow time so with spring/summer/fall there will be more things to distract me away from the things I cannot control.

However, I am lucky (if you call it luck) in that I don't have a lot of personal baggage, live in a beautiful empowering place with an active, concerned community and don't have basic survival issues to deal with. More time can be spent with issues I feel passionate about.


Find out what you truly like to do, such as arts, crafts, music and so on. When that bliss hits you the rest follows

EMC2 Level 8 Feb 27, 2018
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