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LINK School chief outed as ‘mystery pooper’ says life is ‘ruined’

I kinda feel sorry for the guy. When you gotta go, you gotta go. Right?

ATDayHiker 7 Feb 27

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Are there not adult diapers for this? Poop in public, you'll take the piss when the shit hits the fan.


he should have worn a diaper. or he could have run in the woods & shit with the bears.


He needed to find running trails through woods and wilderness...not around school bleachers. Duh.


We had a junior doctor who did this


I kinda don't feel sorry for him because I read it happened on a daily basis.... If it happens on accident once (like you were really caught with no alternative) and you cleaned up after yourself, that is perhaps excusable.... but to be a repeat offender.... He should have figured out a running path that had restrooms available on his route.


How big of an idiot do you have to be be not to realize that your actions will most likely have some consequences?

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