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I came to the conclusion that we need to build a giant wall. It needs to cover the entire border of Canada. Because that's where all the cold air comes from.

steve148 7 Feb 27

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It’s already getting hot here. And humid. I fucking hate working in the woods everyday during summer.


Funny we were thinking that's where the HOT air comes from ! [ your side of the imaginary line]

Thats why we'll put windows in so we can open it when it get to hot


Hahaha Yeah I want to block those pesky cold fronts from advancing into this country. They kill my peaches every damn spring!


oh, those canadians are trouble, alright...with all stuff...their trouble, I tell ya...John Candy knew it and they killed him!!!!

you can tell how much trouble they are...they made me type 'their' instead of 'they're'...



South Park did that last year. Built a wall to keep trump out.

I got it from Lewis Black who did it years ago


It's true! And we can have big taps on this side of the wall for maple syrup to flow through!

We produce Maple Syrup here in New England too - so maybe for Winter boots? Yes we need a slot for Winter Boots to be sent through.

@RavenCT LL Bean still makes their boots in the US. How about beer through those taps?

@KKGator But they've stopped the "Forever" guarantee.... So sad.

Actually I've had the same pair of Sorels for 28 years - so there's that. Now I have to go look and see if those are still made in Canada.

Ok also I have relatives up North.

@RavenCT Yeah, I saw that. It's a shame some unscrupulous people had to ruin it for everyone. I bought a pair of "duck shoes" back in like 1999. I still have them. They're still awesome. When I lived in Portland, I'd go up to Freeport and shop at the Bean store at 3 in the morning. They were open 24 hours, and I worked 3rd shift. When I had a night off, sometimes I'd go up there just to window shop. No crowds and the salespeople never bugged me.

@KKGator I've been. They had a great trout pond at the time too.

@KKGator Also it's where I buy jeans.


Soon we will need a border wall around the entire country to keep people IN.


Great idea and they'll pay for it.

one way or another !


He he ,and Canada must pay for it.


You may be on to something there


Yeah!!! And we'll make Canada pay for it!!!!! That's the ticket!


How about a wall that blocks off DC from the rest of the country.

USA out if North America

As long as there's also a dome over it, so 45 can't fly out.

why you like ac

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