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I'm just curious since it is November already. Does anyone out there actually dread the Christmas holiday season? I've gone through several phases of liking it then hating it and this year I think I might have evolved to just be totally neutral to it.
How do my fellow non-believers feel about it? Got any coping mechanisms?

goatgirl 6 Nov 6

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When I was five I discovered that Santa wasn't real on my own. Now I realize that even at such a young age I was questioning things that didn't adhere to science. What I tend to do is try and enjoy it. Impress the santa at the mall by saying you want a basketball and not and electronic gaming system. Go to church and enjoy wine when you're underage. Make gifts for people to ignore the crowds. Have fun! Try celebrating a new holiday that you've never tryed! Go sledding! Watch movies with talking dogs in them! It may turn out to be your favorite time of year.


As I’ve gotten older and my children have gotten older I have started to really dislike it. I don’t enjoy shopping and trying to figure out what someone else wants. It always just feels like a money exchange. I’d rather keep my money and get what I want than buy/get things that may not be liked. Also the religious crap everywhere makes me roll my eyes. Right now the best part about it is getting time off of work. Maybe if I have grandkids one day it will change.


I grew up happily celebrating it with a loving family but have come to despise it. It's a pretty time of year but why we can't do pretty without putting great stresses on people, financially as well as emotionally and expectationally, I don't understand. I don't want presents and don't wish to give them. It's not that I'm a Scrooge (as is often charged or alluded to) but that I don't have much money and do have very poor judgment for what is appropriate and for how many. I get anxious about not meeting equal giving and can't stand it. I hate the religious hymns and think the winter songs are cliched or silly. I don't wish to hear them but both are regularly shoved down my throat if I go out. So, I don't go out much from Thanksgiving to Christmas. I like being alone so that hasn't been a big deal. This year my circumstances are different, I'm around some people whom I owe and do celebrate it, so I'll probably have to be more social. Damn.
Trees don't belong inside a house, dying. They belong in a forest or front yard, alive. The fires people start over these things are just stupid. STOP IT!
And don't get me started on the massive lie concerning Santa. I think it's the single largest cause for distrust of adults born in the trusting hearts of kids. Why a parent would want to cause such distrust and loss of respect is beyond me. Of course, nobody acknowledges that they've lost those things because it would be to "miss the spirit." Therefore, many choose to dive headlong into that spirit as a denial of their lost trust. Maybe I'll post something more about this later (on a night when I'm feeling particularly miffed by the whole sordid affair {trying to put some humor to my remarks}).

Wait Santa isn't real?! ???????? Jk, I know he isn't.

Sorry to pop your vision of Sugar Plum Fairies, Marblesthegreat. I was pretty sure you were kidding, though.
Yes, jodyfine, they certainly are.


I don't actually really celebrate Christmas anymore... although i may take advantage of sales to buy myself some new stuff.


just treat it as the midwinter festival it actually is. enjoy family and friendship. and gift-giving feels good if its well-meaning and appropriate - not just mechanical. Happy Holidays!! (Holy days????)


I'm amazed and I even find it funny that you guys need to have a "coping mechanism."

You've made a decision to be what you are, what you believe in. You've made a commitment to yourself - a conviction. Now you have to be firm in your resolve. Don't torture yourselves with hatred, bitterness and dread.

I know all of you are intelligent. So, simply keep it that way . . . kisses and hugs to all you.

If the airwaves are really full of xmas music and there's no escaping the holiday cheer, there are many jazz renditions of traditional xmas music. Might want to try to listen to Bob James' Four Play Christmas Album for a change. Just skip the one or two cuts with vocals. And also the one compiled by David Arkenstone. There's also the Cafe Del Mar Christmas. Chill . . . just go with the flow, don't chill out, be of good cheer


I boycott the stores all together.. Hate the music/the commercialized junk they sell. Its ridiculous. People spend money on shit they can't afford for people they usually don't like just because its the "thing to do". Fuck that! I don't buy into the craziness of it all, never have and never will.

Ya, the materialism- and the gluttony- while a huge part of the world has nothing including food and even drinkable water. Hope the gluttons stuff it in until they explode.


I like the time of year. Especially saying "Happy Holidays" to the "Merry Christmas" folks. The Christians hijacked the winter festival anyway so why not enjoy the original.

turbo Level 1 Nov 7, 2017

You said ot the winter festival? Here in the Philippines, a tropical country, we decorate our homes in the traditional American Christmas complete with christmas tree with blinking lights, a mistletoe on every door even the bathroom door, we put frost on our windows made from styro granules and powder.


I'm not totally neutral about it. I don't participate in our Christmas name drawing to swap a meaningless gift. But, I like giving things, so I buy something useful, thoughtful for my kids and mom and I try to make a piece of art that I can give to one of my siblings (I have 3). I think it'd be more fun to have a celebration on Winter's solstice, a hoe-down of sorts, though. I find that the gathering of family members is extremely awkward and seems to get worse every year.

When I was still employed in a big advertising company, our "exchange gifts" or "kris kringle" is voluntary. We have categories for these for the amount like, in US$, 2 to 5 dollars and up to $50 for company executives and department heads. Other than being fun, you also get your money's worth in return

@jodyfine I'm in 100%.

@jodyfine We're about 200 mi apart. The midpoint maybe in ne GA in the mountains?

@jodyfine I like the old idea of celebrating winter solstice but I'm in Kansas. If I go anywhere at that time of year it will be California. You're all allowed to toast me, though.


I don't dread Christmas. It's a good time to spend with family and friends. The only thing I really despise is the six weeks of incessant Christmas music.

Might want to try to listen to Bob James' Four Play Christmas Album for a change. Just skip the one or two cuts with vocals. And also the one compiled by David Arkenstone. There's also the Cafe Del Mar Christmas. Chill

It is really a good time to spend with family and good friends sir.

@SonnyMlaPH: hey Mr.Jazzman, play it again Sonny!

That insane howling is music?

Six days of Christmas music would be plenty. Six weeks becomes so sickeningly sweet that people go into diabetic shock.


Ba humbug!! I used to dread it, the present buying - I hate shopping and it's hard to know what to get people sometimes, the commercialism, the carols, the compulsory christmas church service when we were kids, the family squabbles, and the annoyance about being lied to about santa's existence then being expected to continue the lie for my little brothers once I knew the truth. Now most of the family live interstate so it's easy to avoid all that bullshit and almost completely avoid xmas. I don't send cards and I reply to seasons greeting with 'Enjoy your holiday break and have a great new year!' or something similar. It doesn't bother me much now apart from there being even less of interest onTV on xmas day.

Bah, Humbug! don't be too scroogie about it. I see nothing wrong in the message, 'Enjoy your holiday break and have a great new year!' - couldn't get better than that. Just ignore the nativity scene of images of churches and candles on the cards.

I always tell my friends:

"Don't be stiff.
Don't be uptight.
Don't take the fun out of life." - from Paul Michael Breaux.

@SonnyMlaPH : That's why you don't want us to take away that bottle in your hand coz that is your life I suppose?

Greeting cards were no longer in vogue when I came of age. But when I was working as a mailman in a advertising company we send improvised greeting cards using the company's facilities, which was prohibited, and I, being a route clerk and messenger, personally hands them over to our co-employees. It was a fun experience I'd say.


As an atheist with a secular, non-believing Jewish upbringing the entire season is a reminder that I don't fit in, that I am a marginalized and sometimes hated minority, and that forces currently in control of the USA want to ram Christianity down my throat. Despite that I enjoy the lights, the trees, and the decorations and ten years ago I caved and brought the seasonally decorated tree into my home for my children's enjoyment.

sol65 Level 3 Nov 7, 2017

I'm amazed at you guys, at how you keep deluding yourselves into thinking that you don't fit in, that you are a marginalized, hated minority.

You made a decision, a commitment to yourselves, a conviction. You have to be firm in your resolve. Live out of the paranoia that the forces "currently" in control of the USA want to ram Christianity down your throats.

All I know is that you guys are all intelligent. Keep it that way, please.

@jodyfine : I agree that the Jews are hated because of their cunning and brilliance. But I don't agree that they are marginalized.

Here in the Philippines, a country of around 100 million people, we are mostly Christians and maybe about 70% are Roman Catholics. That's because Filipinos were under Spanish rule for more than 300 years.

All of the Christian religious groups, some 2,000 of them, use the Holy Bible. Some very progressive (read as "prosperous" ) Christian churches here have their own versions and these were largely based on the Jewish and Orthodox traditions. Religious people here, those in the serious upper bracket, are familiar with most of the popularly known Jewish traditions and practices.

I have no religion---- so I don't have to hate anyone. There is no excuse for you not to teach your children history and nature- ya, and a little love thrown in.


'Santa Clause's birthday' is about as gross a period as it is possible to endure: the gluttony, the materialism. "Buy, buy and buy, and save, save!" Can't figure that one out; every time I "save" that way my bank account gets smaller. It is Nov. 7 and it has already started and will go on for another two months. Somewhere through the torture I shut off the TV and radio so I don't have to listen to that insane howling. My visits to even the grocery store are made as fast as possible. "How to cope?" Grit your teeth; there is only another 60 days of torture.

Pardon, but it is believed that Santa Clause's birthday is March 15.

Why torture yourself? that's not an intelligent thing to do. There are a million ways to go through the holidays. Just be of good cheer.

@SonnyMiaPH Please allow me to try telling you how annoying it is when people tell us to cheer up about YOUR Xmas fetish. We want to throw things, like you, through a window. Why don't you folks cheer down to something approaching rational? Stop the lying about elves and pressure to be of good cheer. We were in good cheer until you folks started up with all this "be in better cheer" shit. We're not torturing ourselves. You're torturing us. It's unconstitutional but we CAN'T stop it. It's everywhere. Then, just as we're getting over it, here comes Easter!! Oye. We should make every one of you play with Dreidels for a month.
Oh, and that's Jesus who was probably born around the Ides of March. Those were once something to beware of and, if Santa were real, I would put a dagger in him.
And please spare the Scrooge comments. I've already seen the ghosts and told them where to go. Silent Night came on while Christmas Past was visiting and I begged him to take me but there was no room under the cloak.
On an entirely serious note, Atheists and Agnostics should not be encouraging the religious communities by finding a justification to celebrate their holidays. Isn't Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, Birthdays, Mom/Dad's Day, Memorial Day, New Year's Day (which I do celebrate as a quiet spiritual renewal), and any other normal day good enough to spend with the family? Why make the Jesus freaks feel more special than they already do? Have you not heard the news today? Roy Moore might become a Senator!!! STOP THE RELIGIOUS SHIT.
Just a suggestion. I'll shuffle off to my bedroom now.


I do, I dread Christmas.
I was at Menard's the day after Halloween and they already had Christmas decorations up.
I think most of the reason I dislike it so much is that by the time it finally arrives, I've OD'd on it.
It's my sons birthday so I celebrate that.

My granddad had a birthday on the 25th, but he seemed totally indifferent to X-mas and/or celebrating his BD.

LOL, OD'd, so that dreadful part! I'm sure your son love you.

That's very funny sir Paul628

@Edward59: I feel sad for your grandfather, sir Edward59, seems to me he is not enjoying his life. Please give him a hug for me. Thank you.

Sir @SoLinvicta, He had a very nice life and was a 'great' granddad. We called him Hershey Boy. He was laid back and didn't let petty things like BDs and X-mas disturb his peace of mind.


"What's Christmas time to you but a time for paying bills without money; a time for finding yourself a year older and not an hour richer; a time for balancing your books and having every item in 'em through a round dozen of months presented dead against you? If I could work my will," said Scrooge indignantly, "every idiot who goes about with 'Merry Christmas', on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart. He should!"

"There are many things from which I might have derived good, by which I have not profited, I dare say," returned the nephew, "Christmas among the rest. But I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round- apart from the veneration due to its scared name and origin, if anything belonging to it can be apart from that- as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the years, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys. And therefore, uncle, though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that it has done me good, and will do me good; and I say, God bless it!" - A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens


I have a love-hate relationship with Christmas. While it goes without saying that I dislike the religious aspects, what I really dislike is when I am alone like I will be this year. I love the twinkling lights, the little children with their sense of awe because of presents coming their direction, and the aspect people getting together and just enjoying each other's company. The part I don't like is when I am alone on Christmas eve and Christmas day. Even though I wouldn't go where there was religious things happening, I feel extra alone and lonely when I am alone at those times. Probably, this goes back to my childhood and to the cultural loading that happens about how "Christmas" is "supposed" to be.

I spend a lot of time preparing clients for ways to cope with Christmas, especially the lonliness


I hate christmas with my family because my family is extremely religious and christmas is the worst. I am the only atheist in my family. Last year I stayed out of christmas with the family to "work". I'm not sure what I'm going to do this year. It causes me alot of anxiety just thinking about it.

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