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Do you think non-believers are less trusting?

My default setting is skeptic. My trust is earned, not freely given. So, I'm wondering, in general, do you think the non-religious are less trusting?

silvereyes 8 Feb 28

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If you were stuck in a dark room with a non-religious person and a religious one who would you trust more on getting you out of the conundrum? You're passed out and wake up in a dark place. There is two people with you. One person is ultra religious and the other is not. The religious person says "let me pray to get us out, I hope you join me. God has our back. We're gonna be okay." You then hear a mad mans voice echo in the area,"You have 30 minutes to get out." The nonreligious person says "lets feel around the perimeter for light switches and see if we can find edges and possibly a door. Let's feel around the floor and see if we can find any tools that we could use." I think I'd have a much easier time trusting a nonreligious stranger with better answers. Religious folks personal beliefs always seem to coincide with what they choose to cherrypick from their books too.


I think we trust ourselves more -

In terms of trusting others I go on the basis of "catch me once shame on you!"" catch me twice shame on me!"

I think that I find the ending place of my trust for each person I meet and work out what I would trust them for .( Reading this I think I am not terribly trusting but fairly good at sussing out others weaknesses of being trustworthy}


I have a tendency to trust people and give people the benefit of the doubt. Let me add that 99 percent of the time it's a really big big mistake!

I have this rather vague rule for someone with whom I'm part of ---for lack of a better term ---a close community.
Rule: Because it's the easiest, I assume people will be trustworthy. When a person demonstrates distrust, I treat them with distrust.
The rule has it's origin when I was a foster parent.

@Pastor_Dan that was very beautiful


No more trusting because they look for facts to make a decision.


i think the english wording i'd like to apply here is "less gullible". i am very trusting when it comes to my personal connection with the universe & experiences with my fellow humans, but i do not believe, especially not the professional speakers & their self-serving sermons.


I have trusted both believers and nonbelievers and I have been fucked by believers and nonbelievers. A lot of people suck no matter what they believe.


Not really. I think they just do trust but verify sometimes.

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