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It is a minor help for gun violance. More needs to be done with the laws that isn't going to accomplished in the near future.


First I thought I was reading; Walmart raises minimum wages. But that was false hope!

But this action of Walmart sounds like a step in the right direction, but l actually it's a way to prevent more strict legal measures. They never do things that are not protecting their interests.

Gert Level 7 Mar 1, 2018

I don't want a gun but I'm for the 2nd amendment yet I'm waiting for the powerful gun lobby to get a new law passed making it maditory for every 2 year old to own a machine gun cause it's always about MONEY & their selling guns like hot cakes!

It's always all about the money. Always greed.
Maybe you heard of the child storybook: The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
The originally title is (translated) Caterpillar never enough.
That's where I always think of when I think of the greedy rich, always more and more and more.


I don't shop at Walmart but that is a courageous thing to do.


I know it's a move in the right direction, but they need to do more.


cool.Heard another store ?Dicks? stopped selling semiautomatic weapons

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