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LINK Trump budget to include $100M for Ivanka's women's fund - ABC News

If I read this correctly, 45 wanted to pull the plug on this because he thought USAID is nonsense, but now that Ivanka's adopted the project, they're doubling the budget?

chalupacabre 8 Mar 8

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Anything for my baby Ivanka....


That means double the penmanship money for Ivanka...don't be fooled.


Mmmm,, no. In Feb. 2017 He and other planners had discussed cutting 37% of the moneys that had been asked for.. This is more fake news.

While the article doesn't specify exactly when that was, or how much they wanted to cut out of USAID, it does point out that they did seek to reduce the budget. According to the AP though, who relay the facts without embellishment or spin, USAID had earmarked $50M for this project, but since it's been identified as Ivanka's project, the working budget is now $100M. How is that fake news?

@chalupacabre Your accusation " 45 wanted to pull the plug on this because he thought USAID is nonsense" is not even close to what was, or is happening.. Lot's of things have changed in the Middle East sense then. CBS certainly does love to embellish stories and put their own spin on things to make Trump look bad. Your own CBS piece there says "Trump has previously sought to cut USAID's budget. His full 2020 plans were not available Friday." Now how is him suggesting cutting 27% back in 2017 all of a sudden affecting Ivanka now adopting the project, and trying to help women over there? Cutting a budget doesn't mean do away with the program all together. I guess I should have said your assessment was 'fake' , or misleading at best. []

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