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LINK Unbreaking America: A NEW Short Film about Solving the Corruption Crisis - YouTube

Not about GOP or DEM, not about liberal, conservative or moderate. Just advice on how to eliminate corruption in politics.

EdEarl 8 Mar 9

Enjoy being online again!

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So easy to lay out a plan...there are too many moving parts in that plan, to make much of a difference in the short term. As I see it there would need to be a long term strategy...and I do not see much collaboration unless there is some way to educate the masses on these concepts. The general population does not seem to be on the same page of understanding with what these concepts mean.

good point

The video is a start.


Super! Is she running for president?

Too young, AFAIK.

@EdEarl Also, not necessary. Had to look up afaik (As far as I know).

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