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Sci-fi and meaning of life

What do you think about all of us being in a virtual reality game? Could love be eliminated from the equation if we could have sex in virtual reality?

bdsox 2 Mar 12

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I regard such hypotheticals as irrelevant. Whether reality is what it appears to be -- physical things and forces -- or whether it's a convincing simulation, it doesn't really change the need to deal and cope with it. It's rather like finding yourself on a raft in the middle of the ocean and debating whether it's really an incredibly large water tank.


I'd never leave the house! Just kidding...

Sex is release - Love is belonging - Both are needed... At least for me.


Compter game? No.but I am sort of intrigued by Douglas Adam's idea that we are all part of an organic supercomputer fervently engaged in coming up with the solution the question about Life, the Universe and Everything to which the answer seems to be 42, for some mysterious reason.


I don’t want you tune out at the mention of Elon Musk but, I saw a podcast interview with him and he mentioned how far games have come since Atari way back when and how far they computer games could go in 1000 years.

bdsox Level 2 Mar 12, 2019
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