Contrary to what the Washington Gangsters will tell you, Russia does plenty of things right . . . . Things that Washington does not do.
They are correct, and the US should do the same.
"Hormonal treatments appear to be effective for some offenders and other people who suffer from unwanted urges. In a 1991 Johns Hopkins study, less than 10 percent of 626 “chemically castrated” patients had committed sexual offenses five years after treatment.
A Korean study of 38 chemical castration patients discovered reductions in frequency and intensity of sexual drive, frequency of masturbation and sexual fantasies, yet, during the first two months after cessation of treatment, the patients experienced an unexpected upsurge of testosterone levels and intense sexual drive and fantasy.
Another Korean study found chemical castration reduced the frequency and intensity of sexual thoughts in the majority though not all patients."
Link wouldn't come up. Anyway, many places including here in the US have used chemical castration in varying forms for quite awhile. I've nothing against using it, but don't think it is a cureall. Not by a long shot. A pedophile is sick and their sickness makes them the most likely of criminals to have the highest rate of recidivism. Remember, they don't need their dck to cause harm.
That type of program has been used in the US to allow guys to stay out of jail. Not always a wise choice. So, simply put, it is a program that has some use, some varying success, and shouldn't be counted on to stop a problem.
Personally, I'm extremely liberal on jail reform and sentencing of offenses EXCEPT for pedophiles who are too often released early because full prisons need space for mandatory bull shit drug offenders.