So can I sue the auto manufacturer of the guy who hit me back in October. And what about food manufacturers and dinnerware makers for causing me to gain extra weight? And if someone is clubbed to death by a hammer, can they sue the tool company, or the hardware store that sold it?
This ruling has to be the most asinine thing I have seen in a while. The gun manufacturer had about as much to do with Sandy Hook as Ford does when some drunk asshole climbs behind the wheel of one of their cars and takes out a family.
Maybe the victims who were run over by the neo-Nazi who plowed through a group of protesters should sue GM, or whoever made the car he was driving.
This is just stupid. And it sets a very dangerous precedent.
Your examples tell me you know nothing about the ruling.
@bingst I know enough about it to know that it will only make shit more expensive for the military and police departments, and that it won't solve a damn thing when it comes to retards playing with firearms.
Me? I can afford to pay an extra $25 for a firearm to offset the added costs of stupid lawsuits. But the military that orders firearms by the tens of thousands? Yeah, we'll all be picking up the tab on that one, and assholes will still be using firearms illegally. Neat trick there, making responsible people pay for the idiocy of a couple of nut jobs.
How's that for analysis? Prove me wrong.
If we can't get Congress to act to pass adequate and realistic gun regulation laws, lets hit the gun industry where it really hurts, in the pocket book. I hate frivolous liability law suits, but I hate lack of accountability on the the part of the gun industry even more (not too diffetent that the fight we had with the tobacco industry). May the 60+% of Americans who favor gun legislation get at least some satisfaction if the Sandy Hook families prevail.
honestly I feel that hitting this industry financially might be our only option. Congress is still full of craven NRA money grubbing folks.
Yeah, that makes so much sense. We need to start suing auto manufacturers every time a drunk driver kills someone. We attack the auto industry, and drunk driving will end. Plus, no one will ever use an automobile to commit a homicide again if we go after the manufacturer. That will teach murderers!
@Piratefish. Lets just start with the gun manufacturers. One thing at a time please.