An illuminating presentation on making a world we can sustain.
Business, economics and capitalism should act like evolutionary principles. Evolution says that a species (aka. a business) should do what is both necessary and advantageous to maintain the best fitness in ones environment (aka. operant business community) to assure perpetuation of that species (business) ad infinitum into the future.
That means looking long term. Asking the question, "What can I (individual employer) do to assure the best situation for as long as I can envision. This means the best situation for all the members of my immediate population (employees), my larger business community (economy) and myself (business owner) so that we all prosper going forward. As the alpha individual (business owner) I am entitled to a proportionate share, as long as I assure that the others that I am responsible for (employees) are also carred for going forward.
This means moving away from our present dysfunctional system of predatory capitalism which seeks to maximize profits short term, regardless of the impact to the species (business community), and the members of the immediate population (employees).
A simple example of the principle: I own a small business of a couple dozen employees. We are doing well enough that I decide to offer my employees a small reward. I tell my employees that I will provide them with donuts during their break. But there is a caveat. They are only allowed two donuts each. All goes well for awhile.
But after a couple of weeks, complaints begin coming in that those individuals that have the last break are finding that there are no donuts left. Someone or someones are helping themselves to more than their allowed donuts.
The incident is addressed in a company wide meeting. It returns to normal for a couple of days, but again the pattern begins to repeat and complaints begin to come in again. I have no choice but to discontinue the reward as it has become too much of a problem and just not working as intended.
The question that the employees should have been asking themselves is. "What do I need to do to keep the reward ongoing forever?". The answer was simple, take what was offered and not take more than was intended. Perpetuation of the species (via donut supply) by taking only what is needed or reasonable.
There are 3 types of desires. 1) Absolute need - the objected is needed in order to survive (eg. Starvation); 2) Want - the desire is strong, but not survival level. I am hungry and another donut would stave off that pit in my stomach, but I could do without with no real danger to my health; and 3) irrational want - it would be nice to have a third donut, I'm not really that hungry, I just like donuts and enjoy sugar rushes.
Employers and corporations need to do what is necessary to keep all elements satisfied and their needs taken care of for ad infinitum. Take less and live simpler but comfortably to the end of your business life.