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Do you believe in Doomsday prepping?

Recently while browsing through Netflix the show "Doomsday Preppers" was recommended. I used to watch the show and it got me thinking about what the most likely cause of "Doomsday" would be. I want to know your thoughts on what the most likely cause of "Doomsday" would be and if you have made any preparations or plan to.

DannyL 3 Mar 18

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Not a bad idea, if one can afford it. But most people can't afford it.


Yes, I do and am fully prepared.

I have a pantry full of chocolate.


Is this a serious question?

Of course! ALL chocolate; dark, white, milk and all the versions in between..

This is a doomsday preparation and I AM PREPARED!


I'm less than 10 miles from USA's largest subbase, one of the biggest concentrations of nuclear weapons in the world and an obvious target. If they're hit I'm toast (burnt). For the more prosaic disasters, like volcanoes and earthquakes I have food and fuel for a few weeks, I have some chronic health issues that unmedicated wouldn't kill me instantly but lasting more than year or two would be unlikely.


I feel the biggest threat is the Anti-vaxxers. Mutated measeles could wipe out a lit of people. Just imagine if someone released a small pox influenza cross.


Not any more.. Was born in a (US) west coast target. Moved away just far enough to ‘survive’ a twenty megaton airburst over my hometown. So dug in, literally.

Planted an ..eden (we know the concept), and preserved the harvests, bigtime! Wood heat, spring water, food supply, blast-proof basement/ garage, and firepower..

Never needed it … becoming proud of Humanity ..even the russians. Anymore, no fear, though the world’s still in MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) mode…

No current threats beyond economic in my newest location. Might be concerned around a port city, but not much one could do to prepare, if only for a ‘dirty bomb.’ China will soon catch up, and Russa’s ‘rust’ is a concern, but for now, launches would be accidental. If not - the aggressor would be toast ~

Varn Level 8 Mar 18, 2019

I think it will most likely be something we bring upon ourselves that will cause technology to fail indefinitely. Our modern society is far too dependent on an extremely fragile electrical grid, limited fossil fuels, and a vulnerable data network. A massive solar flare, viruses, or EMP's could all hurl us back into the bronze age in a matter of days or weeks.

Beyond keeping a modest supply of clean drinking water, about 30 days of food, medicine and first aid supplies, and a few thousand rounds of ammo, I don't get too worked up over it. I figure if the lights don't come back on by the time my 30 to 60 days of supplies run dry, I'll probably wish I was dead soon after, anyway. I simply don't have the skills to survive off the land, long-term. Neither do 99+% of other people in our modern society. It will be pure hell pretty quickly, and I don't think I would want to stick around for that for very long.


No, especially if you want to live a normal life in regular society. First, what are the odds any individual survives let's say the zombie apocalypse, then what comes next? If you do survive a catastrophe of a war, and you have some medical and mechanical knowledge, everything you need will most likely be available in any left over buildings (No guarantee a prepper's place will survive either). Go take what you need.
This is not the same as preparing for a couple of weeks of bad weather.


Those people are generally right wing nut jobs who think zombies and democrats are after them. Too bad zombies eat brains and would starve on a republican.
In Houston the main concern is flooding and hurricanes. Be careful where you build and stay prepared during hurricane season.

I live in Ireland so no need to worry about Hurricanes. We occasionally get the tail end of them but never anything to majorly worry about. While I watched most of them did seem to live down south, Texas and the like. From what I've seen on TV, the south does seem a lot more Right wing, but I won't comment too much on that, severe lack of knowledge on the subject.

I think you are way overestimating how secure our power grids are, or how little it would take for malicious code to pretty much render all of our networks useless. These types of very plausible scenarios will make natural disasters look like picnics on a Sunday afternoon by comparison. Same can be said for total economic collapse.

@Piratefish Texas is on its own power grid and like a lot of people in hurricane areas, I have a generator. As for economic collapse, a hole in the ground and a few MRE’s won’t protect you from that. I’d simply return to my home country.
I choose to live in the present. It’s fear such as this that fuels some of America’s ills.

@Green_eyes I think you're taking this a little to seriously.

But two thoughts:

  1. the Texas power grid is just as vulnerable as any power grid. A massive solar flare, an EMP, or a deliberate cyber attack would render Texas just as helpless as any place else.

  2. Fleeing to your home country in a global financial collapse would do you no good. If you were even able to travel at all.

Also, I grew up in Florida, s I know all about hurricanes.

Finally, I wouldn't be too sure about how secure things are. Experts pretty much agree that it's not a matter of if, but when we will face a doomsday of some sort. While I don't spend time worrying about it, I also don't want to be the one who is caught with his pants down when shit hits the fan.


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