Interesting take on the situation
Apparently my grandfather was a wife beater and molested at least one of his daughters. My aunt has passed but she talked about it and never had a clue as to whether he molested her 2 younger sisters. No body talks about this stuff and when you do many times you are not believed. I know my Dad did not like his dad and said at his funeral he can't hurt anyone now.
Some break the cycle but it is going to have to be a joint effort for it to end.
I grew up with a father who molested my older half-sister and very likely molested his OWN daughters, and treated the boys of the family like they were slaves, saw them as competitors, and disparaged them at whatever opportunity arose. I am not surprised at all by the women who are supporting Trump, because I have experienced it first hand, a whole fucking family that still, to this day, supports that bastard like he has a fucking spell on them. They would use all kinds of things to keep people silent, so I did not find out about it until later, they were literally threatening my mother, that if she told anyone, that they would ignore her. It almost worked for them too. I sent her a letter asking some questions, and she sent back a response, telling me about what had been going on, and I kept the letter. She asked that I not reveal the existence of the letter until after she died, then I could do what I wanted with it . . . I think she knew exactly what I would do with it . . . . Shortly after she died, I was at a certain point in my life were I was just tired of the intolerance, the racism, the fucking hillbillies in general, and I not only let them know I had the letter, but told them to fuck off, because I was tired of putting up with racists, religio-nazis, and ass-kissers of the old child-molesting abusive bastard who not only took advantage of them, but manipulated them . . . so I live in Arizona, they live in Michigan, which is all the better as far as I am concerned. At a certain point later, one of them got in touch with me, a nephew, and we got to chatting on Facebook, and I mentioned all the bull shit I have previously detailed and the fucker got all huffy, started in on the same old behavior, and I was like, "Oh, yea, and please excuse the fuck out of me for telling the TRUTH! If you want to behave like a fucking hillbilly, I could care less if you ever talk to me again.", and that was pretty much the end of the conversation, ha ha. Incidentally, prior to his exit, I sent him a link, and he did read it . . . it had occurred to me, that if all of these hillbillies were intent on keeping the shit secret, I had a way to completely destroy that . . . I published the letter my mother wrote me on my website, along with plenty of details about all of the shit they were trying to sweep under the rug! I take every opportunity to make it more public too . . . and as I said to them on the website - "WELCOME TO THE MODERN AGE, HILLBILLIES!"
Have not heard from any of them since about 2013. Think they love me now? Ha ha ha ha ha . . . . Sorry I got off on a tangent, but yes, I do understand . . . . .