Really fascinating.
Translations from one language to another often has idiosyncrasies like that. It is not unusual at all. In fact, if I wanted to say "What's happening" in Russian, it would sound like "Cock dyla?" In German, the word for "thick" is Dick. All phonetically, that is.
Star Media has some very good movies, that I think surpass anything I have seen in the USA for a long time. "The Dawns are Quiet Here", "The Theif" AKA Bop, "The Hunt For The Gaulieter" . . . . They are all in Russian with English subtitles . . . . recommend you do one of two choices . . . . slow the video down, so you can keep up with the subtitles, or download (less advertisements) the series and watch it with VLC Player, using the "[" and "]" to change the speed to a slower speed.
Why is this not a film?
It is. See the link above
Thanks guys