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Do you have a down comforter? Do you like them?

I wanted one a long time ago, but it was so expensive. So a family member got me a down blue blanket. It almost covers my twin size bed. I had to get a tear sewn up in it. It's fixed now. I love how warm it is. Do you have a down comforter or blanket that you love?

Sarahroo29 8 Mar 3

Enjoy being online again!

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I brough a duvet for my bedroom from Dusk & its awesome.


I am down with the down! I also like a heavier blanket on top. I like to feel the weight of the covers on top of me. Analyze that.



Down comforter. Yes, I have two of them; one to sleep on and one to sleep under. I live in the Persistent Squall Area by Lake Ontario. It is cold here in the winter. Down is probably the best insulator. To clean them, I shake them out and put them in a large, commercial dryer and set the temperature to cool, tumble them gently for 30 mintes, and we're done.

That is cool.


I've had the same down comforter for over a decade. I positively love it!

Zster Level 8 Mar 3, 2018



I love them - nothing else is quite so comfortable. Unfortunately, I'm an asthmatic and can't have one!

Jnei Level 8 Mar 3, 2018


@Sarahroo29 I treated myself to a very expensive (seriously expensive - I could have had hand-made down comforter for not much more) "just like down" one a few years back. It was absolutely nothing like down at all!

One for when you win the lottery - only $6000 for a double! []

@Jnei Wow.

@Sarahroo29 I might buy the emperor size - great value at a little over $10,000.

@Jnei I would just be happy to have a $100 down comforter. $10,000? Damn.

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