Former self-described religionist's journey to atheism.
Thousands of years of history and nowhere has any spiritual phenomena been identified. No one can demonstrate astral travel, mind-reading, clairvoyance, precognition, or telekinesis. If any of that were possible, biologic variation would express it in at least some tiny fraction of the population. That is not the case. One can reasonably assume reality/people don't work that way.
Similarly, religion does not demonstrate superstitious benefit beyond the placebo effect. No religious practice has produced information that is meaningful, has value, or was previously unknown. Making a claim of God explains absolutely nothing and creates more confusion, not less, about our universe. Nor can anyone say anything about any such God with reliability. And yet, the vast majority believe all nature of lies, mostly as a matter of social convenience.
Sadly, almost no one really cares to look for truth and only a fraction of them have the horsepower to grasp the truth that is known.
Oh, well... What would we do with it if we could know the truth?
Be quick find that god. Time has a habit of killing them off!