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Do you ever talk about politics?

In general do you find out somebody's politics before you agree to meet them? Do you find any reason to invest yourself into getting to know somebody who has the polar opposite belief on positions that are important to you? Do you even bother to talk to them online to see their side or even if to debate them?

StableGuinness 4 Mar 3

Enjoy being online again!

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My next door neighbor is a hard-core Trump supporter. He came over just before the election and said he wanted to argue. We went at it for about an hour, we shook hands and he went home. He hasn't spoken to me since the election. It wasn't only him but a couple of other acquaintances have shunned me since the election and their guy won. I figure it’s their decision but I guess I haven’t went out of my way to approach them. I wouldn’t know what to say. The country went to hell at that election. The people that do talk pretty much are on the same side as I am.

gearl Level 8 Mar 5, 2018

No i realy don't
'waist" my time, energy and focus one the stuff i feel i can't realy affecttivly do anything about!!


Are 'their politics' actually personally reasoned positions? Most somebodies I encounter claim politics are theirs. They also usually believe it. If opinions aren't native, language soon reveals a frame of reference, making obvious that ideas are actually adopted.

It's similar to how a theological fundamentalist 'discusses' beliefs. One quotes 'scripture', another parrots talking points. It matters not which. Attempting to compare ideas with such a mind set is as futile as trying have an honest discussion about substance abuse with an addict. The price they''ve paid in return for product is abdication of the very faculties required for honest, personal evaluation.

People possessing independent ideas will be routinely loved or hated; labeled 'one of THOSE people', depending on the issue. It goes with the flanked territory. Be they Left or Right, opinions as qualification for membership and identity are all proxies can bring to the table. They've nothing of their own to discuss in the first place.

Why would an individual want to avoid differing ideas? It's one of the ways learning happens. Differences don't disqualify us from mutual respect. Imposing them does.

Mutuality of respect for differences is a great starting point for sharing friendship and trailblazing a lot of common ground.

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